The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)

i 1 tt i 1,, C-i' L' S'- i- i rEKKLY TRIkUNff. It t. K-, 3 1 A I 1 A THt NORTH PLATTE vMMMWeEKUf njJlSHirJG- TOUCIIES On THE QATUN LOCKS 'AT PANAUA iHNNet fataL Vr. -i- 0 -v ft 5: i i I yv IllMi hvhwb ww Vamv UI at poor alilokoo rofci. CUekrao oaMf Coat MLi' non' to pif fPodtag ait 1r.Sf li A --J TkaiT laaa- ootohoo tho aartjr 0oeoadHcrovtk paoraro li loo lor 1 ilapb.Vr S.

Noplabta ak too thlbk oM (ntt tta and ROUP IN THE CHICKEN It la dulawC tlat a olnglo onibod, Plaoaeo le Frevaienl Where Feeds Arm Kept In Filthy, Damp and Vft U- A-wAu UEMBISrV 'S'- Quartern. tovlCattou boaLVi' Son kopt for afeoold bo. Elm lota Orwnd' grala. la bottor (or ioodlig r'S-- to Ventilated filthy, tam poorly ventilated fMiuj-'A'-y etorl ta'good pn i SfSSN 'a- ieundiiiia preeeo gotta feetottnt i tt te. Pott pmtog jai4.aH ioota.d WPHo tbo piga aockUag fooflag tbo Common colds do.not4ovetop.tote lw, roup tto npaelfie germ, to not prae.

anL oommou belief to that roup to devuloped from Ta aogtoettd; fiffla dm tosatt libs, laaao 1 oVfhmMmla fid' attMA la It ior jnoaao laodttt.tto plgaL'i'i. TPo ohoctor tta tattnlaLMol tto gnotor tho grott firoor tho sk -r. iWV- 38? 'Ifg'l th feogi IItm ruc i Dost Oi wNdi ab to Mail Nmr loon I loot to i lotoo onr 'fcsi Jf Clip tbo horoo-vtt tU fcolp loop klo w5n -1" i Urias dnibif too ooor tho oorfMo gnat UoUka.vV-,, 'u dry oooion-ttA-nloo 0t Q.oOo ia oopoelollj i ft PmmImiM I Ik sta nnl Milkl a 014 owoo, ail taforior bo Iktttsod Mi 00U lor Mttoii; Thla hot case although plica. tto oondiUoua eo that tte mpf. gonad toft' agoUy get a loothold.iV!; I tto.

benefit ol. those who beea tnluckjr enougb to 'get this rijUe dtoeaso-f tatroduced lnto their Midi Cara-' saehlaorp oara oat. doro tbroifk oapoowro that iOMik pjrtp. 1 flock I gtoe ttutefloetorv eueneaefU. wny'of cOmbatingj'roupiV: Ftort? iti) move all ooadltloaa which tend tt Vf-Sit.

MtAVlkAAd am' Em ka nloloaiai ibla' if 'thh aoh; -ofcaC or dooPlooanoi tor nexf, remove ail effected hirdo u. Ftooothwa. th toiSW'rierfiWtofif Gateeritoe im-tw north atog jbcto hhwttg ridS eomplriiratodltlpa ntfrto tocthm QfTto rauanwmihawatar of ttw! gatesTfrrf tbecloft bnttgrewd -irtfc Gatins' Ughtttosa.Tto ttrtgbtto.trarim.jtttto qnjt vtnwtoM vUl iooa tr iovpnt toajpomr tnreTttod to free from draughts of air If yoe doelre Id doettf ftenu treat oen u'the earllestiLey mptonu doteetod.x'Dtolntoet tte poultry house 4iwght topttt aUUa ootot orfv vinat: Itg Mot'booalT jaoeoBifltio alri toaponrtlr Atflni Op ooutnotloo 0 tho-ooatof 4 end nuu with five per aoluUoe Itaoo OCtNBlOOBUiMaiA pitap of mMoro. wOl kotoorp iu'M nvm'WMWMal'llr Tho daal Toraae through' ocheduled Car.ooatt time daring' thla A' paoatt.v Wtthta, k80tteA aaontt. if la There to nothing tho Matter tbe hen that shows a bright eye and rad oonih'-' at a 'e iv.

v- Tha ffeoK harrow, nllo krill uaiully' furnish, better aflageithna tte low, Try shovelful of nahon to tta boh tom of oaeh Bast box. hoop the wntard fit Ontan lake will hart riaao high aaongh to hrlag of caifrrila arid and repeat tbtt dtoto-feettou at leaatriue won rattouooeUlntog -at aaepa.Bara all far developed roupyohtokak' to.worih,- mito dead than allve-Ona good rem-Vv- ody la to put fow dropnof oil oetho effoetod fcwlii lhood.v-Thio oxoollut fori, common Peroxide of hydrogen Md water half. and hath or ereolto or earbolla arid to-vL-' Plan to Uke: good, care of tto ton Thay boro a bard ooough tod Kmad- S'VV at -5, -A- Teach the cotta to walk wall and you win lay the Jor all the tutor, gnitOtf -it fx the watora tatha antlra eaaal Wp. to tho deep watoP loral requlroO tor Nittont such men as CoLH. F.

Bodgoo, UoUt CoL David Du Balllard Bnd Ltoet CoL Wimam I Abort araay who have had ttargo of of tho work, but CoL Goo thalsje.fooogntoofiao tte.iual buUdet of the eanaL; VA; JbAAfoNtoa part of tto HTBrnOM wbtab tto hi will have coot when It la oomptotod has bees spout by far tho oootUeot ongtnoorlng la tho worid. Ntarly of bUllon-AoBowi ban paaaagaof the largeat Bhlpo. IMe-eeld-ttabi i'- i part ef eodar oll to two parts part tec' pw ooaL solution may ha Hd 5. One of vaaellae to osedtoat traatmoat for fiklmr uSlk hi good-tofT'all ktode of hogs, hut to fiettor adapted ficr growtk Watert'of Gatun) CuliibrajCuL 1 -A -J I- tt .1 A 1 i OEkOVED early part of Aigflp. gtToa Waahtagtoa oSdala that tt the emergency ahoold aHaac the Atlantia-battloahlp foot ooold bo pal; through the canal bate Pacific watora within-tgdaya-froai that datOjii.The work baa been harried with la now.

It aaid, no omorgenby 'haa axlatad, bat thia aaauraaoo laag tndlcatlon'ef of the ongb aeora lhat thair work la ndw practioal- r.f;.. the manner, Quo of the remedtaei that 'a 'Me' gtveo boot.rttulte.)vtl.'-to a aototloa. of two ouaocs of porman- fi Submerge -the JeatTVA -tong enough to. prevent It from oufllri eating. 7 Any' of ttM liauids vrllt holp 1.

'u dear tto-. aaaal agd. throaty paesagsa had deatroy dtoooM A good proroatt-ototo-) (wo ouaooa of permanganate of potash to twrivo porta of water and ifivo an the hirdo toi'drink; at loMt One v. tlmeo a weak' 'and auck daya give -'w) sssary on tho fkrm- Tight shorn nuke assler tor' them. 1 Be- enroful- wttt the maiwe to ftuL god dont tot them allpAowu nor hold heavy loads downhlfl.

range moon- Vthatetr noigbbor'a hoglg "Whothartbe" graao in the feature is short or not the ealvM.wiU gks.a bit "7V W-ryW -Av; ut. a iwilMPf ualM This emote-of sn wdlnary aeettoe I fiweot; clover eeed to its premtam bushel trill, give the boy. some appreciated cipeadtog v. i i ao otter water tf v. Sheep that, are kept eceveagers ttemembartlto vmy best preventive to abandonee ofrfreah iK draughts, plenty of nashlno and otnl-.

groin' farm 'em fatten ceiiood of tearniwhy aot sttltoe ttti'y AvV-4aVf Nearly oyiny mi of insect pto ttnt ia Injurious to field, or foraot, to prayed fpoa fry Mide-l Pigs that bare beeoma toa tot by ovsrfeedlng' asd mf eaeretoe bould aot be dbooeaL for. There are slot ot ways to thU aou: tary furroundlaga, Md gourd, against Intndnriag the ly finlahod, s'4 Culebre Cut fiwiegd Treuhle. The emenratlott of the CnlObra oaf Into, whidi tho water, haa Jnat boon boon one of tho oaglaoe lag feats connected With tho building of tho oanal, and haa eaaaad tto 'an-glneera moro trouble than any oth-ar9portica of-tholdc To OoL XX Xk'Galflardr tho ongiafor ot tho eentral la glyoa erodlt for eprryiag thla portion of. tto work through to a aaeoaoetal Tho dlaaatroua elides a tho. cot wore discouraging -to tho nulimylng in a few boon tho work of many weeks, hat CoL OcUlard ohd hla uslatnntohnro kapt nntirlngly at thair work, and at last ham pd tto treacherous banka of the deep out Tho engineer believe that the of cUdfe will bo ollminatod fEf-BREED- COCHIN; ISl FAVORITE i BREED appearance that their purpoM Do not let the house cod off too suddenly after hard work or, driving; tho nlghts.begto to grow eool -a i v.

-You can make sheep; but It ia not no- won to do It M' to watt ttll mas' and awe are well-dsvelcped. 4 tad cere of the brood aow before farrowing time hM much to do with tho health sad vigor of tta Oh tarr-: 1 e1' Four VariotlM, gaeh Having Combo and Dtfftrlng 'ijNliit, afFtamag Tha gueetlon fregumitly agfridUJWv what tho frost; breed ot cMobedaf try of bounty to llft thoymorigagor and the least of tbeoo to aot tto to vAH Get rid of all tto surplus rid boas. This win fri saying In both toad dad, Tbs growing stock Seed Ttor' gnawer- depmria eaUrriF peto what irtah tham fer.Md toa' be; answered beri by7t youraelL that If the honsa have had hard, strain ha rfc. 0 The, larger birds are' L'a, to both ggga aadpmatto derirnbto Thlo Will tho Praotleal Complo-t Eon oC tho Pig' Watorway After Yoaio of Labor bp ao Army of Moa. j.

1 1 1 Paaaaa, Od. lATPo Paa in canal' atanda today Tlrtnallp Tho prollmlnarjr atopa toward thO doatnwUoo of tto Gamboa ilka, whloh ahtlf tho praaant tlaio, baKhdd tho watoro cr Oatoi lako oat of tto Co-lohra out, worn tphonr today whoa tho raltao In ft mr IHacb plpoa which-1. tho dlko waro and tho waton tho lake began flowing Into tto Colobn eatvWlthla a fow daya. lt la oapootod, aaoagfc wa' tor will han flowod Into tta ant to form' a anahloo and proront tto duo-ago that might bo dona tt tho dike wore wore blown op and tto watora al lowed to nab Into the empty eat Tho Anal dootrnctloa of tto Ng dlko la aehodmloi for Ootobor 10, whan ft ehargoo at dynamite placed In already drlUod ia tho dike wfll bo on- ploded. The ozploolinof ohargea win not eomplaUly dootroy tho dlko, bat wfll weaken tt.and looo on tho dirt ao that tho force of tho watora from Gatnan lake will carry It away.

Steam chorale wlfl remora thq romnanta of tto dlk laarlng an -open paaaagoway from oeoaa to oeoan. Canal Roally Compiota tho canal will not be ofl-daliy declared rwnplatod tor aomo time, and tho formal opening of. tho waterway to tto eommoroe of tho world moro than a year dlatant, tho analonglaoora look npoaMho do-trnetlon of the Gamboa dike ad marking the real opmplotloa of tto eanaL Tho Mg. 1 onginoorlag foata ban all bean aapompllibod, 'the ri oxcaratlon work praotlcafly had boon completed, aadthe great looka hare boon eon-atracto4 The work that ramnlna tc bo done la largely detail, and' la bat ehlld'a play aa compared with that haa boen done. gon dirt, la to bo remorad frpmtho ahahnol, bat thla will bo done with auction drodgoa pon tho of the.

canal. ttttea, while the amaltor and moro ho-tive breeds -'are. oonridrired i the egg; maobtase, and away breeders of tteaai; Itln Hiwllmt (iMi1 neHtlai fiar claim axcellent gnaUttoe them, which ao 'doubt they fryoseett, (J. the ebjectioa being their smell tag work, or hard driving, wkm put to tho logo: should bewril, rubbed. A littlo mcosy mightio profitebly tovootod -to GlUag aohM of the: low pots that eausi troublo ln the aprtog of tho Any man who'takaa a.prideto.-do tog things wan will hoop hla arsam eool and iwnMn jWygf to upbuild hlo loeal croattory.

toeV Thei J. having single had A differing: k.l.h afrM.a tafrloto which only 1 point of ptupsge oolor, Isi Buff, black and white A now that tta water haa boon tamed Into tto cat A little' more than a month ago the giant steam 1 chorals flaWhed their work a the Calobra eat- Since that time tto workmen hare been buy removing tto the railroad traeka aadwttor machlnary naod In tho Moarotlon work. There to still aomo dirt to bo retoorod from tho out before the channel to but thla work will ge. dona byy auction drodgoa floating on tho waton. of the eahal, and will not Interfere with navigation of tho watorway by such boats aa easy bo allowed to peaa.through.

Immense Artlflplel -Lake pitta lake, the waters -of which arc now flowing into tte Calobra "cut, to the pivotal. point about whleh-ho oa-ttre canal systaa lerolvoa, and tho ernttoo of thla toko together with the eoaatraetlon of Oatua darnel, eoosti-tatod aaotter greats oaglaoorlng font la tho eoaatructioa of tho eanaL Gab ga lake to ag artUtoto! body of water eorerlng about lM.owwre mtlce.of territory and: wad iroatod bnlldtog of tto Immoooo Gotta -dam and. tto Impouadlng' of tho wild war tom of-Chigraa rivers Benoath tto tto' buff being tbs proferenoo, Their weights 17 1 onto bona, 14r prileto. V- The other: vnrietlee etasa aroi The Langshhni, Mack had White; tog n7 dftmflo Thto mail that tto.Pauama.ttuul'had.-ooot; the United States HfljMfeflOM Ue. A Over IlSAMMtOfl ef tte total amount pout hMboon mako tho canal none haMtablo and aanltary.

It boon enggostod tbat this to nn' onor paoua amount of money to apoad to olooalng np a place to whlcb tow po wlll roolda ponaaaeatly but the ngtooom any tto unttatlou of tho eaaal aono wan tho chief factor la the oanal a reality. The fiaiV ue of tho rrench has boon attrtbated to a largo 'fgtoat toot that tha vrorkmoa eouUt not earvtve la ths tovar and peat ridden pottntry. The ths great loeki wklck raise a yeasal te a height of toot above oon' loyol at one and of thr canal lower tt.tbo aouo at tto1 other' and. has boon Ip Ohargo of. Colossi OolonaiBodgoo tenant Coional Blbertr Colonel EodgoP work jn toottlHag.

tho Immonsf lock-u that tons no Important a part of. the. eporattoc' machinery "of tho ehaaLaadhto ability to ovaroomoafl obotootoo had lad Coional Goethato to call. him. 0 genius.

Tb building, potting ad tto kick gates coastltuta one' of the dslioato prob-of took oanal sonstraotton, and tto prippor. bandllng of thia problsm Colonel Hodges contribution to ths wprk at of tho oaasL-IJon tenant Ootonol Hbort hno had Ohargo. of tho building of tho great dam and locks at Gaton, to addition to otter duties He saw tong; ao-ttre serTloe-la tke- PMUppines, and he to. known la the army. a fight 1 won an Real Iso Cream of Centuriee.

Through the work of those moa -ell of them members of Unde Barn's fighting body, thf United Statu has to attain what has bam to truth tho dream of To nine years these man hers ean-tad through as undertaking that was first thought ofV several-hundreds 'of years ago Tho United Staton government first took definite action looking 7 toward tto coutructloa of. an isthmian oanal wulont WNtonrngw od 'tor IILOOO.OO, hardly oaodwoatk oth of tte amount that the -Panama eaaal will hava oost whim oomptotod. Do Looappo to Tho nutter rooted uatll aftsr tto Civil tonr, whoav ndgottottons for wore entered into by the Uhltod States goveramaoL Be tore anything had bM aoeempllshsd tta concession tor 1 Panama canal to Laoton Napolson Bonaparte a Iteochmaa. Ho otgantood a company, wktoh sold out later te tto financiers sssnetated with firdlaaad do Lanaapa. A The company organised with do Loaoopo at 1U head was tto first on to aetaally bogla operations" ontholatbmus.

For eight ycatt do Loaoopo straggled manfully against tU greatest odds men aver was ealled npoU to Then ho was torpad to. ghra tho flgkL hto oompany eoflapslng as a result of dishonesty and axtmvagaaee on the part of tte promoters; and do Leesepe, driven insane by the scandal, ended his days in an- asylum. Such wm the history of the isth-mlaa canal project tor aomo 100 or 40Q yoers, uoUl tho day to 1M4 whan Undo 8am Undertook tto took. 'In nine yearn tho dream of tto Alwaya water yourhoirae feeding. can teach him tt.

drink ttM, fry not offering' water at toad-tng, thereby avoiding poealble deUe, -v 1 Keeping your borsee'. feet trimmed to good ohaps vee putting shoes on' HoraesVfMt do aot raqulro irons except whm on roogk or. hard 'rfi-'jfz-A: -The dairy Industry Is a rapidly growing oao, and a dairyman to Noosed must. bo ready to meet nptfdato coo-dUkmn. 'ht- v--: rWtth tombs tt to bitter to feed mad have thorn ar little 3 hungry at each nmol than to have them off their fdbd fora week.

The expense of earing for a male to less than for a bona. Ho oats leaa, nquiroa no blsnhetlng. no stail, and ta more easily kept elaan. I .0 0 Jftttton can be railed cheaper than any other meet because the wool eaa be mado to almooL If sot altogether pay the expeaae of Ita Every apttdato fanner shouM liavo a alto. Ho owoo tt to hie ctock Md what to moro ho toooo moaoy ivory day.

that passes 'until silo to anctod. -v- A good hone will always command a good price, no nutter, hew popular, the automobile becomes, and this applies to draft, harness gones gllke. fi Lice maltlply rapidly ta hit weather If nothing to done to. ebook them, The dusting win help Jpade ap. spot to a shady cornsr and watch tte hone enjoy tbemcelven.

poet- allow your horeo to gb. -too long without shoeing. Tou can train tte shape of tte foot easier by keeping him wan shod and prevent trouble artotog- from ebOM' remaining on. too 1 1 Dampneee Md contaminated ground gn fruitful eesaee of 7- poultry dto-' The Marten should be dry as a Chip and tte ground la the run perfectly Gat Umchea to be placed upoo the locka, thlo Work wfll takowoaaparatlToly iV'r BflMt tiff bna 0 The fact that tho oanal atanda prao tteflr.dompleto'motw than a yaar be-tore the flaw originally net aa tho date far Ita completion la. one of tho remarkable faatnreo of the work.

When Oooat do Loaeepa, the great Freach" englneey abaadoaed ttla of forte to. build tto Faaame eaaal attar eight yoara of labor, 0 had aeareoly By. mlxtol a little- alfalfa seed with the clover aadflawthy. every Asm Ana. seeds down tt grtae, It 'wflJ be ble to coca have the whole torn toted with altalto vk in Wheat (Umtohee more material for1 the white, of eggs than eon.

bushel -of wheat eon tains aboutene-tenth more protein than a bushel of but about oue-half less fat Do. not bresd tbe young new until she lia nine mouths -old and than keep her breeding regularly two litters a yaar until she begtne to dOeUae from old ape or Jf prove a poor brood lf yswvwm pvur eiwwia Ingle combo. The, btoctDr-nre very I fine allpurpoM fow and by. toy. tto inoet popntor of tto two The' Fright'-' v- eeekeroh'lj of the oeek to Id Bj-'r' ton, pullet, A w.V.

H. J- tod niooths ago wm tto and plantatloaa Tho ohnnnal of tta caul pasMf through this lake for -a dutaaco o2 iaitoo witk a width varying from BOO to LOOO.fooC '-jtho' northam'MA -of the lake to tto. GattA daaa, which tola reality an artificial ridge moro than a mile and a -half ton Figured alone give an adegaoto Idas of the magnitude of this dam. Nearly bolt mlla wide at 1U base, about 400 footwlda at tto wntar carfkco, sad 100 toot Pride at tho top, the dike which maayVda-gtoeoro predicted would aaver. with-ottad tto ruck of tho ChagTesV wa-tme, to admitted now to bo ao etreag that netting abort of an earthquake such fcaa aevgr been known to tte Ceatral Amerleee regton can harm It This Gatua lake and tto Culebra enL-00 glgaatle ard tte proportkma of ooeh, dwarf, tha Other oogtoeertog -works of the canal that la themselves have challenged tto admiration of.

the-world. World Glvos Qootholo Credit To CoL George Goethato, chairman of the Isthmian eanof foommtoaion, chief engineer of tto oommlesloa and gortnor of tto caul sons, tho wold will give' tto credit for tho onbcooaful completion of the Panama cans). CoL The Cochins have single combs a1 J-, above aro all brown to tta Bnhman toe eombn, Tha oggi told tto variottoo ri tta two riMSM tto by. Wfff A' Vri'i' Color of shell, w- i'ttle extra ears with a good feed Of wheat of night, will noon bring (he egg rappiy.up to what it wse la the sprfhg The eggs are much better In prise now than they in tho oprtog also. 1 f' Hominy toed of hominy chops lata of tte.

bufl, germ and pert of tte starch of grains, ss to" less stsrch, about the amoAnt of protein and more fiber and tat than earn mesL Three grains of nitrate of potash givsa la little warm milk three times each day will greatly assist to overcoming rheumatism la hogs. This dose to "for grown hogi. if given te plgsj or growing abbots, about throb grains for each hundred pounds of msra nm -Tto poultryatta -who will nolo birds away from the tons tog the-hammer and fall monttovwMyMV Ti rl rk, J-r made a beginning bpoo Iho gigantic taak. nine yaam, tto. Amartonq on, ginoora, starting almost at the aame point de Laooopa; for tho lattorW-erork waa of littlo valao to the Amor leana, kavo virtually oomettd tho undertaking.

WMa the work wae attrtsd tho world eoofled at tho ldoa that It would bo eomplated within tho time limit wt, but bats are now off to the Amortooa army oaglnoan who have moro than kapt ttclr word, do-ptto nnfnwooM dlflloultloo that have boost thorn at ovary Qoothale to Moko Final T00L The drpt weal to poaa through the prebehly will bo i boat of tho Oanal -commissloa; CoL sorgo W. Gootkals, ehalraan of tto and chief oagtooM of. tho reap tto baaoflt of kto foresight to tt rV'J axtra otrong fortuity -ipf hie oggs Hod 'nupbenlee are -propagated by uekern -which come np arouad the irid'pLaata. These mar-be tskea up in the nntumn, heeled in during toe winter and ast.ontTn permanent bed the nest spring. 1 i Fresh eni find ready buyers and oommaad respscL Bad ages eaiae trouble, fipoflsd egga go tt tte teeners.

Condemned eggl, though not polled, are sold to the factory for printing csltoo. Cracked sos ere often neat, to the packing where they are eeparated end rnmned. tag tto mato.blrd that spoado the gad whiter months in celibacy Is to iv mutt batter eoadlttoa to InpniMtsl j- tto gggo than mi who rus tto toM.the yaar rouad and to.

The North Platte Semi-Weekly Tribune from North Platte, Nebraska (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.