Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)

TOE LIVERPOOL MERCURY TUESDAY JANUARY 81895. Jas FA. 4 17k 6d. aribm. Xaspcate te tfa gwtrtw.

gimmrrtol Bolton yuras era moving 08 (lowly, eomfad and eanUd dmcriprinra bm alack. COMMERCIAL MARKETS. I Bui Bats I Pn Cm XMF0RX8 OF PROVDroNS; Thb Thb fanm-JLSb Wllw BaaL tiarom 200 2N 566 560 plqras. 467 337 Cg; 653 633 7,601 17.966 851 851 LB73 J.061 505 60S UK 635 BO BO 671 668 Itamm Ayna WotoiMnWS 9BiCaaadl Pacific; 68 Cbnadbn PferiflaB pm nmk date tors 103 1 Grom Indian Fbrinadte 6 pm an nSfatfad. Conrolidatad I.

ordinary. Brifard Beak. 22j Boibr Imoraaos 9 Equitahte Firalnauranns 28s 6d. Maabl Yield 55. Hailvav ij-leki LoniavilU and Naviib 66 4 66 Xiatouri, Krnaas and Tfam 13 York Oantral 101 A Ohio lit nk.

ad 13 BrtdWaatoni praf. Xfortbam Ffioido praf. Ontario 4 Panueylvaata 62 PhiL aad Beading iharas 8 rat Imoom bands Paaifla Wabash praf. 14 wDitto6jmamt.inooma..n 21 4 MTBOM.T.ANEOUa. Ottoman Bank 16 jfi 4 A.

On Inn cm aad Co. J80 1 Albopp and Bans' I Angio-Amerioen prat 72 8 Goats Ordinary 24 4-- vT 114--Nitrato Railways Nitrate Frru Oprporution praf. Ditto Dabmtuiu SSWm aaaeaaaaa aaaaaaaiaaxax Nal ssaaooaaaeaaeaBBBaggD of Boteh and Huhurhan Ooa.QokiMdiQf&ifrieft,M "BtVnBPHI aaamraaaamgaaaasaaaaanaaa 'ATEBAON. HAAAh UwItoA tonMAxl IMtoFADOTTK. a HHDH- gFswoom TSstx'svs miMmIm LLBOOl, MliniW Mbit Ua THE BEST WIGAN HOUSE-FIRE COAL UHEE, ATHXXb HWHIE.

1 Whnfco*k "PWai.UrwpaaL lMsM THE TRADE OF THE PORT OF LIVERPOOL, ThB fbOowinc tha mtoia 'of tha nnfar and trainaaw af akqs raportod iawarda and ebmd ooiwarda at UiwpoeL aa eoapaiwd with tha aonaapandtax parted bat jvart Tha ovtoBar of shim iwportoa inwards fnsn Jan. 1 to Jan. 6 waa A with a toanara of 6M8i, PM 60 shim af T1.4M toaa in tha oonw-' bat rear, bataf a dtoraaaa of Phan Jan. 1 to Jan. 4 tha atiins elsaiwd ootwrarda waa te, with a eonaga of 6R678L against 22 ships of 28.652 tom lha eonanaiidtog period bat vaar, aa inoraaaa of 22 ahipa anJ aa inamia of 33,826 ton NEW COMPANIES IN 1894.

Tha lavtoterf Goardba twhUahaa tha foUpwing parlioulaniwbtiTa tolimltad eomnaaica isgtatarad at Basaanat Homs durim tha pate twelvemonths i LIVERPOOL Momday Evmrura. SPOT. Tho market far eotton on tha spot aontiaum fairly brisk, aad apmaami aotwithatawding tha tiou atill tequbito ia dealing with tha artids mu rathar non Incllxed to fa on baying stookc and immadiato roqulranauta thaa they ware a hart tinsa ago. Tha early oflloial aatlmato ef Bales wmgiteu out at 10,000 bates sad was facmamil by 2000 bates sold late dazing tha afternoon to tho buds Tho jadlaatbm ia the early part of last weak warn that tha interior mop ramant would thaw a fancy falling ad: and tha Ogurua fully bear out them pradfatbns and although light fignrm are predicted for thb weak priem have only hardened to a small extent. Advfam to hand from Mawehmtar are agaia vary dull, and Uttb eras Hi1 baa traoapind ia akfar oioth or yar and tha limits put forward have barn vary law; A good i bam pul through fa quotations although uaohaagad, oontinaa to dm, and tho tone deoidadly hsaltl Bnsilixas wan ia jxxir raqtiast without qnotebla ohange in valam, whibt a good bncinam waa dona but tha demand ti quita of in Egyptians al steady prims East Indians were gain nay dull, aad only a limited extent of brails waa transacted at Saturday's prioas Tbs mbs warn estimated at 12,000 fates of dfrima Stork, JasS toej rtarty the SKA, art Import fart week Stock, Jr 6 Tfa 1 lUldiMd CbaanaaML-Turitbh BtiU ull adm of Spanbh an hanged hands but tfa KoIsJxutsr-Saall cries fomp.

1500 halm Manila 15 10s, o.Lf. tanas far fair arrivs 3000 balm tfanills aaeonds aad 16 10s pm good auriu of good asoonds Dya woods Small tales of bava naan mads quay, but reported. Fuatio without cloMof Imi wwk. Diymltarias As Adm steady in tha abaanoa of any Castor oil AU descriptions era Imrt tU L. mm.Sm if te quoted 2AfU aad bln 60 53s 6d.

pm ewt, aad Amo Fira Imnranos 7Jt Wrtfaa Inmraium 3j Foririvw Lifouanranes. lJA. aadikni and Ca erdinmlO 21 Dubi Bd. 2j Ebhw Indb 34 eank stock, 112 134 1 Laror Bra. nrrien (aU paid), lift od Mraoherter Cairiaga Manrfartm Coaamaroial Bmldfa*g Na Cw TfnnAmir Cora F.sohangw demantunk 119 Nantygio aad Ebfax preL, 22 National TA pbons 5 1 Naw Zwlinfl pm ant imcribei lM Nartfara Amam dabantois .102 Oman emariidataa.

196 1 Rramda raidBana (15 paid uni a sen ni. FT Sroa Hylands aud Bona (15 paid araiamy; 3 2932 1 Ship Ua 12 66a Ed. Ship Caa5 praf dMEMWI 1 Ball Union ordinary, 2 1332 3 11-32 1 1 Skip Ctoml flirt driwntnra (1886); 100 Sir Flkannh Aimitogn and Bam ordinary, Uf Tredagar A. 6 1 Yietorix 6 pm mnk imrriba 1014 1 Yorkshire kbgina Cemjway, 134. COMMERCIAL NOTICES.

Tfa akbaeriptim lbt will fa opanad today am clcasdm Thursday for Louden, on the folluai fait day far tfa soachy, of tfa KanowaaGuk Mining Company, limited, eompany which fa baan incorporated far Ito pnrpma af aoqriruq ad woriring tfa Kanowna Gold Mining Property ifaatad fa tfa While Faalhm district ef tfa Coalgardb Gold Field, Waatara Aurtralia II adjafaa am et tfa claima owned by Aa Whin realtor Howard Claim, Limited, wtoara(myi tha prapaotua) driving aaar tfa fauadary ba tfa two propwtiaq and obtaining rich ora From tho report kttara eahlaa Ao, which an giran fa tfa prmpmtoa it will fa oau that thi an tfa nadraiay atom tfa imf to have widened faom 6fk gin, nam tfaanrlaea to 8fk rt tfa dopA ef 611k Stem taken from diflmant of tfa rari fa which no gold wm vbibb gava crashing a raault aqual to 2oa to the ton when tfa depth wml2fkj whsrsss. whan 61ft fa small piaem from not only tfa bottom of tfa ahafk hot broken from different pointeolltto way up; ahowad by battery any ratuna Soa lfidwta Sgia pm ten. IteDaermtor 6A and 8th rsporta atom fira nmaya ef 20oa lOdwta pm ton ovar 66 faebm of tfa raeL Tfa eapital 80,000 fa sharaa of 1 aaoh, aad 5336 ara now offered for ontoeription. Tha aahaonptira lirt of lha Empire; Uroquri. Limited, will atom today (TnmdayJ far London, (Wedamav) far tfa a for tha aountry Tfa diractnra af Aa North wmten Bank, yjmisil, lil 1 Hwiihat far tho part beif -yaar, rt tfa rate of 6 Jim caak pm oauuas, (raa of Finn.

Mr. Thomm Robfann, ef obtenm and Bon, 0L Water-Art ha haa dnnmed of hw Thomm Rohinann and Go. limited, by water brtwarn Manefartm, Bukrn I Livarpool, 1, Stanley -atimt Salford, Dock end 29C Water street Livarpoul tfadiraetiMef tfanud I YESTERDAYS MARKETS; Lowns Mttau Popper claaad ataady rt 60 lb 6d. eaah, 61 Arm montha. Tin quirt but ndy Straita 60 7k 6d.

eaah, 60 7a. 6d. to 60 IOC; Arm montha 1 Amtrriiaa 60 lb 61 ih 1 Fxuriiah fa*gom 63 10k to 66. Bnrltar 14 Tk 6d. English bad AB 12a 6d.

to9 16s Bjnniah 12a 6d. Baoloh pig inn 41a 7L Lorooic Hor. Tfa demand for hops ataady and valum ara fairly maintained for all daacrip-but low and aiaaaaad eamplee. The Continental marked weald fa mara active if mfiieieaa aad fim bops ooold ba found to supply the ad, and priem for aneh qunlitim aantmna to lowly advance; Americaa and Paa be Cnart roods of fina quality aell readily at firm priem; but lower aorta ara neglected Loxdov Pxoviaiox. Butter aaaiket remains steady at the following quotations Friesland.

B6a to 106a. Kiel. Danish, and Bwudbb 10Ba to 116a. 1 Fwnch, lb to 118a. Baora ataady, at 62a to66afor Irish, aatjfatoMa.

for Continaatal firm. Chism 1 A fair demand rt abort lata raluaq quoted 46a to 62k, and aiaubr prior for Dutch. Lokdok Potato; Rathm abort onpplim owing to tfa (maty wmihw; and trade mod lately xtriro rt firm priosn Maincropa BQa to 110a anowdropa 80a to 100a mmauma 75a to BOa abandane 80a to 60a kidnaya, 60k to 75a champiam; 70a to 60a fabroaa 80a to 10(k blank lands. 60a to 70k ton. Lopdon Dead Meat.

Fair anprdira aid trade fira, aspacislly for baaf. Tha following aro the ericas EngliA basL 3a 4d. to 4ai Beotch aidra 4a tola 6d. shorts, 4a 6d. to 4a 8L( Amrrinsn, 2a 6d.

to 3a Bd. Britbh mnttan, 4a to 5a 2d. foirign ditto; Sa 4d. to 4a VaaL 8a to 6a 2d. Lmgojpmlk 3a to 3a 6d.j 1 3a fid.

to 4a pm non Csnia-Baart markrt alow, much about the aama aara Ihia day waste. 4a 6d.j Harriords and Da van a. 4a 4d. ss tofajfaiancr, 3a 4d. to la 8a.

Entries 18.130; tori nding 130 Scotch and 100 IirtT mppliaa heavier, antriea being 12,060. Tradowax low, and jnem the turn nwri bn Down wrthrra, flBk. 6a 2d. 1 8hk. 6a to 6a 2d.

lOrt. half-breda 5a Bd. to 6a lirt. to 6a 6d. to Ea 2d.

About 2300 Cwiadian quoted 4a 4d. to 4a 6d and 1500 United Steam 6a td. to 4a fld. QaobtimiBnf, inferior, Ia4d. to Sa 10d.

to 6a 2d. vnL flirt Quell tv. 4a 8d.to5a 2d. fafarior. 3a Id.

to4aj park, nii Wbbzhah Caitlx. AS Ab maikrt to-day tfara Mdinm anpply of Btaek, and trada ahowad bttla mproveawnk and moat of An Befaundfaada Bmt bmf mndn from 6d. to LONDON STOCK EXCHANGE. Motnut bum. toeiy vbb agals quoted 4 par esnk, and nte vbb ohaigad for fiitayaa Tho discount late for thro months Bank Mbwm qooted A ami or fa Tfa fold demand for Path hm daokaaad.

wit mi fair aotlva today, with faw tandaucy Prevailing ilia most dspart- Tbi fapwww. ia Amarioan daeorip-WMBfMloM which urn wnm whioh gave Mina ahawa ware agate ateivs and lndiaa loam wart all JuBmibad beam warn wash. Raw the 8f par IQOt.and Taamantea 4 par amt. fto X. deaeriptiona ware fai Brighton dafemad improved 4 on tha toteBo Bputh aaatim dafarrad, an Aa other I.

and the Undargrouad (toebB 4. JS wjjHgn markm them waa no dmidad tndanm. Turk teh famaa wera bettor, tha "A rteing to66, tha to661. and AaC" to 281. bomb improvad ami Fortugmmfc that the Fsbraary iatonte on Mbaouri held that quotations have about touahad bottom.

Although tha bat prioas wars under lha dmcnpliam ware 4 to 4 up, white Canad ten lines aba ahowad a batter tendmey. -r 4 oi ssTaX luimiW 880, and thaptWTsTtonit; NibtemwuraKMd. Imitararbing to 9, Lagunas fa ft TPacbnaha to 4p UnionBank vr reooverad 4, to 32, Union of Aurtralia warn 1 knter, at U. tralba Agnoultaml aharm bat 34, ta 624. oaaasbot the majority ef tha rd.

Chhnm ram to Sfa, Cbm bepto Wte Haoiy llammtoMrKnhfjitB to 3 dUhariton to 7fa Moddsrfontoin mes to 226, and Van Ryu apaad to 84, and Rand fon tain tea ware weaker, but Bayfayfa to 13s am' rnmltoted at 27 Ad. rupm paper warn raturna for the art month the porta of If pcroanL, i the imports of 10 par cant. For year lha exports bava damns aad it, wfaibt the imports bora in- a eonaiderad aatiafaotory wbau ir tha fall in pciera during the They ctearly Indicate a turn athatids- ISth fa of 0816 tolWth andlxmdon aad Blaokwall Railaray nOOaaw mdiBMy (farm Nos 1 to 98001 fank Nosim to S629j andate ordared tha undermmtionad aaountim to fa quoted in jr oant, radaamabb rtook (1814 to 1066) TSk of Toronto; additional 4 par cent. aharm, Nos to 8900ifanitoU aad Nortfr weatoia Railway Company of Canada, London bondholder nommittee oartiflaataa far 33e.T00 6 108,620 6 par oral Brat mortgi bonds MrimA, of BlOOaaeh, Nos nu toT644, 7646 to 8056; aad aeries No. 4663 1 Taltal Railway Comp farthar bam of 16A00 ordinary 85,201 to 100000 Waal Highland Railway Cof ,1811000 54 pm amk Aruturo atock.

aad 000 ordinary slock and WordStar Cterpon- bm. 144450 if par eank radaamabb rtock Tha May Consolidated Gold Mining Company haa meivsd tha following oahb aaan aatad Johannaabnrg, January 4e The yield of gold during part monte was 2306oas from 6560 tana eraafad. mill running 30 dB aba eyanids mom. non 1660 tom: Tfa Crown Racf Gold Mining Company notify tha following rmulte far December p-Yfald ia yield X20tomp eyanida works and concentrates prochioed by tha and yield in imcltod gold from old eyanida works treating aoeuamlateactock of tail-iBiRiBd ilim 1240dm. Bm New Chfma3d Mining Ctamimnyb bat monAl ernJiiags yielded 2637 ouaom ofgold.

A dividend of 10 par oant. haa bam daebrad, payable to all shareholders registered on Januaryu. Tfa Nigel Gold Mining OompaaybTrmhinga faDmambar wme-Battory, 2U6ms fiyatods Tfa New Kblnfonteia OompanyV bat xMnthb ernahfiwi yielded 1740oas of gold, mm 812ms Tha JnMba Gold Company1 tom yielded 1623 ouaom of.goid, aud tailings M6owoms At tha axtraardinaiy general tag of thMEholdM. bdd in the thimtaiikha agneawut fatuuwi the diiaetam eg thb company aad tha tha 6th between too aincton or itus eompany Now Gtnfamatown Gold Comjamy waa oon finned. Tho Stanhope Gold Mining Cbmpaayb monthk onwhing yielded 1360 Tha IlyMcuRmb Gold Mining Company fare merited tha following from tha arias riving bat monthbrntura of gold, aa follows 63 tom qnurta emhad has yVrided gold.

Width ofUs 1 foot 8 amyinff.a onaem 6 dwte par ton i in wins wid A of loda 2 hsk aataring 4 Dabentum Corporation ahows ir 1886 of 113,636 Tbadiiuo- dividend of 5 par which, wiA tha iutarim dividend, malcss 5 pm oant far Aa yens Tha dirartara infer to their disappointment at tha intoraat on Aa defan-tarmof the Mauritius Ertatm aad Aamta Com tany not hainr paid. In view of tha ami lory position of this iuvaatmank Aaymem tfa writing down of Aa Mauri tins Company debanturm from 273,800 to 58,650, tearing them standing in the books at 5s iaths jxnmdoi their face vuius Ta provida far Ab and soma waller anticipated ten tha onaarva fund ta fa written down mdueing to 2000001 la Aa mart of tho Debenture Corporation Foundanf tihara Company far tha part year, Aa diraotan any that aa tfa dividaad oa tha ordinary sharaa ef the Debenture Oorpoiutfam te raoom-mtndsd at tha ruto of 5 par oank par anunin, they regral there will fa no tetara on tfa EfamW Aama bald fay thb eompany, aad tfayms tharu-fara, not in position to declare a dividend. In Aa matter of tha Baal Daposit Bank; Tdmitod (ia liquidation! notiBedP that tha faianom of rants oollaotod from Aa nroportim in Aa pnmmrim of tfa tract am far tha debenture boldan will admit of a further payment of 10a jiar aeupon. Tho Montom Muring Companyb output -for Dseamfar wu 6680 tonsof ors whioh eontaiaad 2600 ounem gold and 22.210 ouaem of rilvar, Aa artimatod raaiiaabte value bring RiM lb total expepditum waa $65,1601 Tfa sum of UXV000 in aovaraigns waa raeaived at tfa Bank from Australia and 5000 Sum Roumante, white 100,000 waa withdrawn far Romania, The tnffte neripte oftho following nOwaya far Aa part (peek show Aa annexed results aaoom-parad wiA tha aerrmponding period uf last year Brighton eeaaaaaaaaqgagggaaaxaaeggMMBaaaaaa 3846 HOQlB4lllMaiNCWMfNtotaMINNN(MB 1647 LATEST PRICES. Bourn naxsAonom Aim hi BRITISH AND COLONIAL GOVERN.

MENT SECURITIES; Yield 2J par eank 2 for aceoant (FA.) 2 24 par amts 2 i 2 of Kngiaml ataok 1254 BRITISH RAILWAVS, 3... Ds dafarrad aad Dovur, 8- Ds 14. UMHU.iiiimwimih s.Droat Northern dafarrad. 1 Great Waatora and Barmtey and Yo Consolidated. Diatriot raaaaaaaaaaaaaaa etocatatidWrii 3 Britiah 77) dafarrad B7, ..156 waatwn I Sheffield dafarrad JBonA aaatara dafarrad dafarrad 70 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, 6...

Amentias 1886. ad 66J 6 fandl 6 Brasilian, mm Uniflad TO mtottatoltt w. m. gasamaailOO I mrt mm MS msixsasssiiv, Sd- AslIBs 1 iriwa. apofi to IBS fidT, to20d 14dt boded tb 20s 80s 6cL, FaS-April 2(M Aug.

20SHVU nrind, apot Us 84. 1 lBsSd, Ftsb-April 18s May-Aug. lfa Rapa ail Is ad. to IBs Us Frty-April US Bd. Raviaon ITS AL, Cotton oil atem 10L, mouth 16s.

to xoiSflfES 16a 3 My-Anr. 16a. BcL, erada 14s 74b, mcnA 80S Tim. Bd. Frirafaum flm 1 44 iiafa spot 44 to 444, Trilwril rAmtralian, dufl to fins nratton 23x to 25s, ditto bmf 21s 6d.

to 22s 64 14s 24 1 ditto aman, 14s 3d. Na 6d. granulated atendard, 12s AL ditto mans 14s ditto fins 14s Clips Obohud Sosas OSefal Mortal atmdy, without activity 1 burii rata. Private report! Markrt qubk but steady fair buaiue UVERPOOL CORN. MbXDBYEvXXIXB.

Whaal la nupsthy wiA tha advance in Amarioa and lighter rtipmmto flntcr Iona tart hold ef tfa xmriirt today, rotate rt opaning warn 44 to id. par keeping 6rm far (white Ruaiaa ahipmaot and figuras which eimaad after heavier xguns which oaussd retrograde Ooaing valum wura quiet hut steady rt a grin of 4d. to jd- par eantri an Baturday1 final Wheat aargum an Arm, holdoneffar ad 3d. par quarter man money asked, which luterfaraa wiA tfa demamL butinem tranapiriug confined to about 14,000 quartern Victorian, par Mayhill aariy Des B.L., bought rt 24s 6d. xak andSOOO tom River Flats per ataamer.

FaS -March shipment, at 21s Bd. Far Californian on ra saiga 25s 34 to 2Ss 6d. asked, 23s 64 far Write Write on far shipment, and 23s 3d. Rirar Plste Holden of spot parcels wera Inner in their idem of vrius end miaad thaw arting jwiom Id. par eantal, ritfaeogh na weight ef bmsm tranapirad.

No. 1 Californian again failed to attract atten-tion, buyen aad aallen bring too far apart to bad to nurinaas but valuw ora 44 par OMrtftl btCteTa Rain niL Okmar prims 4 18 No; 1 CUi-forniaalOCibs Triday. Fmv. day. Buyers Sribm.

Buyen. BriT January 5a 5a 2d Nominal. February 6a 0 6a lid Nominal. March 6a 0 6a lid Nominal. April 5a I 5a 2a Nominal.

ktey 6a lid 5a 2d Nominal. Rad American futures advancad at opening 44 to fa. per eental on cable adrioas but aftorwaida mad dirhtly on mcimart Ruwiaa shipmate, further fall taking place in consequence of on in-eraam in tha quantity afloat. Final ratal wars qnirily rimdy i4 to IA par cental owr Saturday bat. Saba estimated at 1501000 eaatals com- Buyers SeUars Buyns faOris Jammiy 4 Bd 4 BM 4a 8M4al0d February 4a Bid 4e lOid 4a Bid 4a lOd Maroh 4a lOid te lid 4a lOd 6a lOid April.

4a 10M 4a llid 4a lOid 4a Hid Mar 4s lid 4aUjd 4a 10d 4a llid East Indian ahipmante am firmly held, than bring few aelfats and bmiacm thagfora re-trietad to 300 tom white Kurmches mily Das Aimaank rt 4s 544 per amtaL chBi" IMmr. Prev. day. Buyers Bribes Buyen. Bribes 4a (M 4t 6d 6a 6d 4a 6d Bhirmmk SoftWhlto Kurrachreia Canal, par lOWas Prav.

day. Buyers Britos Buyers Balters Dcs-Jan. 6a 2d 6e 3d 4a21d4a3d 4a 2 6a 3d 4a 2ld 4. 3d bhijmenk SoflRwl Kumcbrn (Cmal). pm lOMbs To-day.

Pwr. day. Buym Bribes Boyars Bribes 3a UJd 4a Cd Sal lyd 4a Od 3a lljd 4a 0d failed 4a Od Mates Them better inquiry far naw Amman mixed, and rt tha newt ctecliae a taoAm Ming apparanl; European aba fa toady, and late qaoUttona am again npaated. 1 aptiomonatrongareabU i. par oantol at opaning; ship- adyiem improved M.

to turn all day, a a aurt te Is knlnraill ite oaving aurtoining affech Tha atatkirt triarar clotod atmdy, M. per emtri crar Batcrdey. Baba ReBrrs Buyers Srilers Jan- 4a lid 4a 2 4e Id 4a lid Feb 4a lid 4a 2 4a lid 4a lid 3 larch 4a 2d 4a2d 4a lid 4a 2id 4a2d 4a 2d 4a lid 4a May 4a 2fd 4a 3d 4a lM 4a 2id Maim oargom mart wiA mm inquiry and ara rrthar dmrar. Balm eomprim 11,722 quartan Tragmws at Gibraltar, rt 20s 7RL quartern Dannhian, Darwantdris on MdOs Bd. Hour wm a quirt trada at ataady rates and pam qubk but without quotrtb nAmi IS pVMIb IMPORTS OF GRAIN, As (Cfatabk Thb Thb Lort Wheat 39,110 2469 Maias.

36,946 36,946 112,066 16L6B5 Flour 6,078 6,078 71,899 65,470 Prm 22,054 7.818 mm 8,288 6,238 8,465 u306 Tha mtimated rtodu of wheat and mrimta public warahouem hen show on in are era of 6065 tom of wfaak bring aatimatod rt 61, 087 tons and adeoraam af 1772 tana of maias which fa estimated rt 8120 tons Tha start of wbart in Fleet-wood aatimatod rt 2306 tons whioh a dacrama of 079 tans GRAIN CARGOES, Loxnog, Moviut. At tfa Baltic today tfa markrt far oargom af wbart in all poritiona trada farther upwards arilam ashing 3d. to 6d. mors money 21s Bd. paid far M00 tom mw crop Plats riitamrr.

Febraary-March, aad 22s 3d. nfuaad for Plato, alien; being bald far 22s 6d. Californians far shipment held at 26s 3d. to 26s aooarding to 1 and Walla 23s 6d. Rumian aelbn strong.

Maim very firm I 20s 7Jd- paid and lafamd Danube on pamags and 19s Bd. far Pori aama Bwby abo firmi 13s Id. fayam of cargoes floater prompt ahipmank and rt 13s 1(4. far Jan. -Feb, 1 13s paid Marcb-ApriL Beans 23s aribm Saids rieamrta dwnand quiet.

Freights quiet. Tha quantity of wbart (Sour reckoned wheat) 1 pangs thin wart to Aa United Kingdom incrmac of 530,000 quartern to tha Contmant thma a dacraam af 50,000 quartan. Maim to tfa United Kingdom and Continent 91,000 quarters and BOOO quartan raaprotivcly fa of bat week. Txterii Maimnlnamdmiar 1 20s Bd. paid Darwmtdate Danubs on Out of 44 markets held stem istvSfss: two have lmn dearer tor EagliA wfaak Arm, and cbvm dull or in fayam favour; Foreign wbart haa bam wall hrid rt Bristol and Lien; pool, aad in London a alight advance an Mondays priem hm oamriomliy bran arnds Dm latest word of tfa London toads however, fa now apohan bTUST bam aomawhrt opposed to Art of Aa bm rat ail marhats and ao it would aeem bast to quote velum Aa maw Now Ymrb Day.

Tba spring oora trada haa been weak for American contracts bring at 6d. dadina on Aa wads fat tfa barley trada hm barn firm, the Russian Aipmeuta ara not expected to ba kept np to thair present rate all through the winter. Onto have been a wart and dragging trada Beane fairly firm, 26s bring maua lor good North African landed. Peaa unchanged. Unwed 6d.

par quarter lower oa the week, but aaad oib did Bofc pirtioipttt itt IUbwhIumm LIVERPOOL PROVISION. Moxmt Evxxixa. Bacon. The firmar tons notiord on Baturday hat hm contimiad today, and than batter demand item tha aountry, whioh amuld ba in-craaaadif holdam adopted more approachable attitods hnk te view of deenaacd rttimatoa ef hoq ncipta during tha nut tbraa months aaeom-parod wiA aama tima, praviam ymr, full pries Shooldamt New Yorks ariU fa and 81m 1 squares likewise firm aa nprorommk llama axperianm a fair inquiry, aad qnatetema far tang and abort ante ara niaad. Lard findy bald far Meant quotations fat Aa demand not Ctieeaa atoadily be steadily hrid, and a moderate oooaumptive trade paesm late ntea Auienoan butter without changa Fra firat Irak unchanged in prim; but Canfawm faro advanced ra firah qnalitira Beef and pork nut otivr, fat atmdy at raomt valuationa BeriL extra Indian mass.

63a Bd ta 75a Id Pork, prim mam. Western 60S Od to 63a Bd Baron, par i Waterford oeeaeeeooeeeeeaeeeeeaaaeeee 47 Od to 49a Od Limerick 46a Od to 48a Od Continental 65a Od to Os Od Long dear, SSlbaarorafa Long clear, SMSiba. ditto 32s 6d to Short dear, 5filba S3i Od to 32s 6d 0b 0d 32s 6d to 3b Od short rib, alba ditto SI Cumbarbndoal 28-521 bs. ditto 32s Od to Ite 6d to 35a 6d to 37b Stafford cut; 38-401 ha ditto Clear briliaa 14-16iha 62s Od to 46s Od Short dam baefa lfllba ditto 36a Od to 35s Od t5fa 30. 0d to 3i Ditto; square rat, 12-Ulfaa WHITS BTA toEsyssast BOTALHAIUTS AMERSmoKLITORFOOL 0 VIV YOBKMaQsimliaalmiyWil.mtar.

anasg.tjsjisjsaa:5ijs:8 Bmto OMta UI to MitoB mtto totoBMIhtotn OMmmMm tom Ibadsr to IBs AKA XEITAKKIO toto to PltoM'l ItoBwlMli to Ito pra Tmoitn IWsdnss 3irk- i TO NEW YORK AND JMQp. Omimuia HULL Jr? TO-DAYS SAILINGS. Ta rOABTWIBA Doiulaa. Bull laaam. PriaoaV DaMmTMfaat, Tialhvar BIUMh, Albama, Oaiaaaa Daafc Thsa.

aop. titz 10 Ato. SPECIAL xonoto to inform on Pstfants that IT HErtUL OAhR IllYKIfOCA al lha isia-. 02 Hafam. NINOS PURE OATMEAL.


XINO-BTBEET, lha whola af lha paar IMS whwa ha aa has tea Mad art UapwaHalrt Bnaeaw IB Bto TTaatwato at waar lhaatoadi whahamasattadto Hiw torBHM art Can af Xaplm to SO. UXMTSEET, MAXOHIXm. CAUTION III al aamaartnaihtoadlnB Ateartaamato riln DOXOT BX DECBYEBl OLD AXD OXLYADDRXBB IX MAXCHEBTEX II 26, KINO-STREET, bw fhtfe Umv imi bmtac Al hm ln ti Tii tiit lav Ian na hi! J. SHERMAN IB THE OHLT PEBBOH BEAEIXO THAT SAME WHO HAB HAD OmOEB Art ha a tha ACTUAL art OXLY PEBBOXwhahw mono TIB WOXDXKPUL XUPTUSH OUREB la IT HIS BOOK ON RUPTURE AXD THX EVIL OP 1 ittporitliMVksteN to a atau al pit hr Malms. I alls Biair, FREE OF CHARGE Hi ItoHhSA I tor Mb Baah.

aa to as laaa am TTa liitoli aiTilaa I I AX, Hnh BpaaW thaalarthltoUmtothpl AMERICAN DENTAL INBnTUTE, LIMITED. BO ROD9IEY -STREET. UVERPOOL BPECXSCmEH-CMaa Bar art Xrtdaa parwaaiat Brlaa al AitIBalar Taath wlthito platoi ar ahaa jrttogyratetortmrtBrtm'ra Tha pnawatoioa al laatKiaa torBiwpal tohaHtodart ahrn. mtf aadartalaaTTha pataan al lha wax VbpilVlAllMVklillkllMlilMlE as apaotauwal aaaawnyaarfea rt. raa ramuadto WBSbi itoiaeaxgagSlS i irSWORTH AYH01 "Ta bah aa lha tatfM Xda af IUmA art Doctor art lha amlato Tii lilal ii af tea OHM.

Taa waha pto IhnwaS toa Bpaa top. llrikartiaawfll aatoathkXaw YaarTSa TwiBaaal poa aatoakw aothia(iaattoa BOXDVTEAtol CUB AGENTS EVERYWHERE) dad art dpR hr as art vadhito al JaaUfeam THE HASHES DBXXK MAXY KTLUOK CUTS OP BXOOSX, BOXD-S TEA EVERY DAY. art teats tea hatopawlhto praof Ihtowhaa yoa harH paa ten liirtMa lalaa ha jiwi aaai VRIOEBi Is. Is Is d. Is 81L.



UTTL1 'LIVER Wifi. Party VototoMa iriARXXRs 13ttleIver PlltiL tewnOoatoS iTlARXERS "LITTLE UVER' UpltkorttohlPUto. pUBTERB TjmjTirVKR PILLB. Too COal Mala UhUaThow. a-g-LITTLE VER pnlK Thai An VatyBwill.

ptARTERa UTTLE Art Ihalr Aallaw npaatoia. UVER PILLCL rHARXERS' LITTLE-UVEfiTPlLLa. ItotARarEtotos. piiSrERS trrTEB lIver mis. Ealtirn Dyapayaia.

ptARXERB UTTLE LlflR" PltfiS, Vy WraTowaart VIpBorto thiBiiaaa. PIARTER8 UTTUTIJVKR PTT.Ta; Maha IMP Prt Worth Ifalaa. "HARTERS UTILE UVER" PltUS. Xniyhsdy UknThaw. HiwyhsdyUhaa piARTERS UTTDEIjVieik PII.TA Xa TWithto Bwollow.

QARTXRi TjtTiS" tout TZvETHEEK 'DEECHAMS PILLS. AJ WarthaOolaaaaBoi 'DEECHAMB PILLS. XJ Bto BIBm Bwaato. jgEECHAM8 nlXST BtoXa TFEECHAMSKl2Sr JJ Porladlrmioa laaa ha BEECHAMS PIIJA Ito Wirt art Palaa to tea BKKSiSStomw-n TjKECHAMff PILLS. AWawtortto MadMi ieskhIMs'pilIr; 9 AnadaatodtorOMartTawn.

lEECHAHE P1LUL 9 taXosahbS.lAUS.artto.ld.aach, Win Am ADII3.ALL LADIES ahonld hmf awn. anr torajl BoA UVERPOOL PRODUCE. MOxday Evxxnra. Smar. Tfara no change to notbe fat marfcak and no farimm a ported.

Bart dull. Jmry 6s 6d. riml mlm May 8a. dona jonrimli July 8a. dom Aagurt UliL, Baptamfat 8s 11 Ootabar-Dsoamhar 8S uTto Tmh rtaadiar.

January 6s 6R, I 8s TO, buyami Maroh os dom 8s BdV huyan May 6s Jam 8s JulyBs SSegUbm 9svriuaaj WWII ICMtIIBBallMtl IbTiO IS ll 6 lOCkfMiil aa as at a jHl OS a la addition to lha afara, 6 tom irtart-augar ham bam hapartrt dariag thiwut, apInatllS tem week brt yaw. Import leal 232 mAabUBt Btaek, JaaB DM 917 Inrirthig Aiifma aiug aad treads -Na aalcs a Aataal atock al raa (Das Jl)te lrt hartsaabs- ItelM. rfe. A tee. 4i18iaUBk arid at IBs par awt.

tSSlafrt SStaWk teaar for ucw Crop quoted at 45s, and rtpurtod MfflMrt bUB at 66s par Bombay, an quay, pries to not reported. at auction at 84d. sold, on epok faria aaaondsi and, to baria 16 far good teas sLf. tanas te 1 Mrniem logwood no paitioalan are ritontioa from Aa eontiam fat limited buainaaa ta 1 buainaaa to rraart. vary ateedily odd, Mail eharartari flirt pressure Madraa Iffd.

to moderate requesting furtfar basinets ng. Gambim firmer agais all offering al kLontT to 21s import anrivab Bd. on tfa apol having bmn (Hmrad, and now tfa ralux aeaardi 11 ataady rt 6d. to 19S Gum 1 SuppUm an steady, but than Nitrate af Soda Bn Bd. to 8a.

lOJd. pay awl, in qi Siam Loom arid at notion at 7 par ears, ia atom; Mjrrahnlama Hmall aaba of good Rririipore have baan made at 6a. Bd. par ewt; Lard qmak and 86s par owk. fa tfa niaiaat value of choice Waatwn.

on Aa spot, today. Oils, Aa. Palm oili Tbadsmaod ramama qairt, id the businem nportod aino our bat fa restricted to anft oila at 20 16s and Lmus to anrira; at 21 10s par tan, both transit; Tailow continual without maags either in vrinm or demand. Oliva ail 1 Shipping markets ara hardening, and Candia aad Lavrak for ahijanruk an Ids, par tan daarar 1 on apok than an improved nquiry. and a good butinem bm bem eonriuded al ataady prbs including Candia at 31 and Latent at 30 par tun, and the market a bardanlxg tendency, in m-tfa daarar ratm abroad.

Lin- rpoel makes in export emks ara stendy at 20b Bd. to 21a. 6d. par ewL Oottonaa oil be firm market for Liverpool nfinad, in port harrals at 16a. 8d.

to IBl, and Ammtean toady at 18a. paraws Roaiu not muoh inquirad for. but rahwa remain witbeot matarial ritorution. Bjiiriteef teupantiaoi Aatoriaanb firm aad iam daarar, 21s Imnf now Aa in eases still qi ataady rt 64A to aooarding to quality, aiad Rnmian nfinad oil 4d. par gallon.

Tfa following ara tfa official figuraa of Aa London Rim Brokaraf Association Swnmoiy of rim arrirad aad afloat eomparad wiA fart yaar Jsaaary 3, 1BB3 Bams data 1891 Anira 1st Am Afloat, 3A00 TMaL UOO Akvab KoUiasta tiBti tom. aOBSi 2,726 11,441 TJfff 27ri 6062 63,140 teas BB MtollNNIINNII 3k274 kaeraarslIBB. MB Bjat 4D1MU 2.W Trial tom. 20ufl28j 43,160 BBJBfit Qmatkyafloak 198 LONDON PRODUCE. Moxdat; Burar.

British refined acrady far all damnptions wiA fair demand. Amiga ra-flnadi Granulated firmar, but Aa higher priem aakad aomrwhrt ehaok bnainaaa 1 ready AZu sold rt Bs llid to ICS Lsb, Bramm G8W AS llid. andfayars flirt atotha Us 2M- buys lOriAL alters Jam 10s 2M. aud May 10s 3d. adbts Mi bu ven 10S 3M.

aribm Lob rah 11s 6d. adbts acE March-Jana 12s, BZG ditto 13s, ASP 12s Ha: Lab Hamburg 8 aad Jan. A8R 12s cut loaf 12s f.ab Amatori dam. Oruriwd dull 1 Dutch AJBR, HR aopar, and 8 and Jan. 11s Bd.

arilsraTT.aa Amstaraami I and MaroriMsy 1U 6d. asUm, 11s (Jd. Lab Hamburg; Rumian 1 Uti prompt 10s 4Jd. si.L loiters Fnnch Crjrrtabi Super Sir Jam 10s 64 e.i.L ribts Says euhaa Jas-Mar. 13s 6d.

mlbn, loavm loaraa prompt and March 13s toilers flna granulated prompt 11s Bd. Lab Faria Cam aorta ataady but quieS 600 bags eryatalliaed Demaram tew brownish yalta-v to good middling arid rt 10s Id. to 11s ljd. Beetroot in fair demand, and firmer far near jmri-tians Jan. sold at 8s 7jd- hm March 8s TM.

wiA Ud- aombtewi, April 8s 7JL plus May 8s pirn M- JumT July 8s UfiL pirn id. and and Aug. Bs ina waaatill ttrm 1 8s 7jdTbM icL paal for Ljwil 6s9d. bm Ogs-Dm 9S IJd. Aj buyers Stooks ft, of sugar ta Aa four principal porta for Aa wart coding January 6 1- lopaits Dell varies.

Stacks UmTmbL 1891 ink 1891 18 Tons Tons Tans Tans Tons Tans Goff as Tfa spot market atmdy, but alow. Loadings fart week of Brasil 6756 begs deliveries hoea eaneumptiaa 69SL for export 637, tort 44LS86 bags Landing of ColumUMi 2690, deli rise borne noaenuipticn 1827, far expert 300; tort 11,256 bags lxndinga of otbar Cratori American 636, deliveries homa consumption far export 232, stock 22.213 bags Futuna and 6dtoeirr. May Rio sold rt 63s Cocoa quirt but ataady. BTAHSTICS (IX BAGS) FOB THE WEEK EXDECO JAXUABY 1 Omni IK XaUfamiU). MM Bl 10,825 Afriraa Other Itoaiaa Trinidad 777.

Oiaaada OthwXritlrt Wart 120 161 26 15 35 12AM n. 666 mum mm a ww mm 4 Cejiya eat Java IB 108 10B3 110 4239 1AM ns 965 769 Tea At auction, 24,297 padngn of met wiA atroog 00m petition, and all tom wider lOd. ware full up to rather dear Rim firm, wiA few aalfars Importa for part weak, 362 tons dalivarlas 60Bj stack, 167325 tons Bpieas Pcppar ataady black Bingapors FWx-April ahinatonk 2 mlbn importa of Mack bat wart, 26 tOM driivarbs 28 1 atock, 8306 tana importa whits 6 tons 1 driivarim, 47 1 stock, 8213 tons Clovm 1 Zanaihar quirt but atmdy 1 Fab-April deli vary fUd. buyers Ixndium bat wart; 631 fabaj daiirarbs 20B hobs Bhaflao dull, buyen awaiting to-monowb Hemp quirt fair entrant Manilla, distant ship-17, nominal good aaeonds Apnl-May rid rt 16 17s 6d sLL TcTdays -irgram quotas Eiriianga 2a 43d. I Us AL, fabf AeriptsTWO brim.

Juts in good demand, rt vary firm priom 1 1250 brim OJATlfan-Jan. atmuinr Dundes arid rt 10 5s 500 Parliament group; Jaa-Fab, Cape-Dundaa, rt 10 15s inii1 Loodao-Cal- eutto apo6 87s RHL bnyars on pmaaga Ms buyara 1 Dec. -Jan. 37s Bd. buym.

Bombay, SVa-Marah 36s March-Apru 35s Calcutta new erop Marah-April 36s April-June 36s Bd. to 35s Lx Plate eargoea Jaa-Feh. taibr 51s MfiL aribra, 51s 7Jd. hu yam 1 aaibr 51s lOJd. aribraT BtFatombuiw shipment 53s Libau Jaa-Fab.

32s Das -Jan. 35s 3d. sLL afcay to Amatordam A 35s 3d. aaUws Importa during Aa spot noAingoffaring I Daa-Jao, far London, 28s 6d7 nominal; brown Cawnpora, Daa-Jaa, 80s fayws 50s 6d. aribm Antwerp 1 now arop; April-Juns 80s 6d.

arilan 1 yellow Gusarak Daa-Jaa, 52s aribm Oortiarat mw crop; 82s buyws Ms 6d. aalten Dunkirk. Farompors Des-Jan. 29b Id. buyavs 2fa6d.aaUam Dunkirk.

JambsDao-Jms, 2te 6d. mw muft gs buyers Importa teat weak 51 qrs, against 1274 qm. pre vioua yaar. hipMW CUXARD inns. -j InmmiI tute Um Miew MM liHwlOf Howwiitfhida Madbf Ite MN UwiNllH Kit VltklllMWkiaOMlMBill BOY All MAIL STEAMER8FKOM LIVERPOOL via QUEENSTOWN.

trcISlA.J2.h 1 1 SCYTHIA ta iUMHiniktiyii Minim mil Xaa ihi ouiua nsAmiup jgmiJfilSP Mm Tsadsv to tfa CKFKALOXIA towfitort iwlilHUwi to 1 pie. ItouiUto to Wfc to atom Tmdsr to Uw LVOAHTA tow Mass totomm I 0 i towtor wa to jtoil. ml yssssme 1 tom Kasim Alto leaSm tnltfA JMat and (Sanaa. ALLAN LINN ROYAL MAIL BTKAMKML non uninob VOB HALWAX AHD EOHTLAXIA huhidiaw T7j jb KUHTOIAX fosat-jornswiHA Btom Bid 'SJ. ATKB AND VUKTH-WIMT.

BKALjSa AtoSSkMtatoMnNl JAIAl KXBI Mtos haaniMi per KlMiUlAX wlil tart at Fm KySSETmsL ttw Vh Ihim AIbmbAi bm. Tlmiwtav msIb tin WU Bunt. Jl-1 MiisI DOMINION LINE SOTALMAILBTSAMKKA LIVERPOOL TO HALIFAX AND PORTLAND. (YiilAMlMHifnTL ja fi Bwnii fiwim to tootoitoi OosEisad Ptotomn btotod Dumb to Braoua Imi to toi paiaw to UiniD Statu aid CiiiM, teeUdlns iM liiimiin, Bamsa saonsw mil BiiiIm to Cuss, uu.Ubuui, sod Kb luuiadHli la IWMUMm AMD DOMIJflOX STEAMSHIP la. to.

Jim toil Lfvsrasoi srTk ttasm tamraXiiX JT Jfrutfc gunrira. PACIFIC LINS. JtoYALMAII. STEAMERS, LTTE1I-UOL to BRAZIL RIVER PLATA VALPARAISO; sed sU POETBenths WESTCUAHTal BOOTH AMERICA. sslUnsstLA Pauses (La nouisunh tioaomia, UuMilOramlHi (tow Baato Ototo rmpii Ifa BBITAKXIA ito to i.

tom OROPK8A dirra tarn LISBON la tlw MVKB sadHJS ASVKE to TRAXCA iiuiUDmu. tlwsnta MOKTHLT B1 RSECTlSSril jEfc Jib. I MAGELLAN Losdins Bit VMOK PETtCpOCK. JURKEKHEABk DUKES DUCK, UVERPOOL Kuoiiimi tor IBERIA ImMwi Eiavan .4 aalTlR totoinr Sbt nraitrrranran. MEDITERRANEAN AND MnVuif BTIMRHIP ora! PART LIRE PIiM.toMi HU.

MALTA. ALKXAXDRIA. BRTROUT, IUMABBUL Xui 1MVRXA OOUBTAXTIROPLA 1a iSMrjLSto to to MB MRS. Urn iiwuirt ot MM to Itoeh Wmawto a rwiM ito tor iwlil riHaamiiMiH to toBa. if ttatowaiaik PtotaiiteBMliNlanaMirto 00l Saltand, raaw, ic.

JAMTART, IKE ndtoutoa Pomful of ch CORK STEAMSHIP COM- rtototowBdm SLhtoHlSXA art with tom ta art to GBm 'AL arnzER- Oaoto tor Al Ltortaa Xnth WEDREdDAYB BAtUKIK. XOTTKRUAM BUM UVERPOOL WKiAffBDAYB art UTIRPOOLiS? AMSTERDAM. UMtoiaato tor Uto Dwrtltoaltoix. EpwatoDIMikk umnoii lte5BxH. axd ann Eton tomth Bhto RiUaa pmA EVERY THUKaDAYT IhUaB Onto tor rt mBnrta, Abaea.

lanala. CHERT iSo YUUrShntfTKlSSlSu ETKRY batpsday XaBUiaarUUwiBiiiMdainalthaMaacaHraiqthlbnto wMtoin MbaaStotort al XartUX arathmH Carta- Bilmtoia tort parta XI to M. Hatorn Yfchito mfl- SCOTLAND. 1CKET8, VaUd tor fha Daja, kaa jlAK ar 1LA8TIPA to an ato TMaanuiu. Tha ifaaa war ha aaiaatod aa parwwlal lha dIBawm sassssr- UVERPOOL A GLASGOW CAixnro at oaomirocK.

JJftSfBSssr to? tolaaBaB to Bail tow CLARKXCK DOCK (Baathwato -yrtMTariSS CTu JAXTABY. BEAR, OWL Thandaf. OWL Baturdi Itollnan turn- tt'ftZtA1 twu pan art aadar tvrlw aim. HaUUMialhi grtlxud. CITY OF CORK BTEAUPACKET COMPANY.

LIMITED. (2 SATURDAYS Tha Fint-claaa Porrarful allha 4jLmmtpa al thaCttr ef Bum Dfegssfflga to jllwa art ah? Mhirtp jjto "wCa alianwhipa pLAXHUxTu CUBA Iton Xatow towrta aart a to BT. mCBAB. Han CLKXOA kiyp. Tmur Thamar jjyxaWoLi 1 lha atoaauhjpaliaaaixtow Moan ha aiUns.Morti,!dfl oamara.

horaaa aa r- baton lha Uaw af tohan w. Tha haiahl al IXtsX Vndim. WEST INDIES, MEXICO, lito PACIPIQ. Quickal Bpoto to Sy SKitriU. AUSTRALIA.

Ths 1m- ranaihly.aB find dotao. Most Wtowv diDortuis will bo tha PRIMS REUKXr Lunpoua. Joa. Uih Thlid-olaw Pons (row Bull, Ortortiy. art Loiadoa totJSS: ftXSXfiZtSSSi S3: Aypiyto to KELLEB.

WALLIS A lto.fSPtoni1llty.Maaahialn piOARETTE pAPSRS JL FOR AFTER-DINNER BMOXINGk 0SEPH HATTON: BEE XVERFOOL'yBEXLYrERCDRY FRICK ONE FENNY. I THX MLOOD la ILARKES MIXTUXB Xgvxxvoos CbYRD Mxxxxr. Tfa anpply of HJrzztzi tar Nbmbira afaap; Friuw- oihm sorts Bid. to 6d. LIVERPOOL STOCK MARKET.

Mormi Evhxdn. Tfa ton on todayk markrt wm fairly efaarful, mu Ammieam showing soma rigua of earning to literate. Oonaob warn bettor far money, and rapm paper waa afaofrantionaHy bettor. Foraignan raAmqniak Uruguay and Fteodl rontoa higher; but Arganhnm and Italiana eouUx dull. Tfa demand far fame railway rtoriw aontinu but tha bmvim wars not quite mbooyaat today, North waatwn declining i and Gram Eastern an batenos but Gram Waatara roan i and North-id Midland A Bouthara line ware fa daraand.

and although they flnishad lightly nndm tfa bast points Brighton A na 15X1 mark I adranes Raa to -anatom A gained and ...1 North British and Catedonianda-tarrad rom A aoch, aad tfa profarvad wera i to i higher. A dbtinetly fatter tana provafled thrangfant in tfa American department, dua to better adriom from tfa States wfara trade slowly It wm abo raported Art railway iaaniMd ihitturhoul Iht fiutai The markek whibt net showing aay gratt activity, wm quietly firm. wiA a wry goad undertona Milwaukm rom 1 1 Denver iwmm weraropeebUy advanea Union Pacific and Atchison in favour rt Aromfa Reading I Loubvilb first and Eria i. Mu ending 1 Loubvilb warn only batter Canadian Pacifica were atroog. ef Grand Trank empathy I fltrt praf.

aarond. aad thud part Mm ban raibwaraefferadrt fractional dediaea Nitrate railways warn batter rt 16J. Amongst nitrate sharaa Julia rom to 15s Faoohs wars 3 up rtAi buyers aad Frimitira warn offered rt I nmafanghandart64a6d. rom gmamlly fins I Royab rom odbloUsA ad Lanoaahirs Maritims Pabtins and Baas A each. State Firaaimptionally ware afferadat ft dadina In mimribaaaua aharaa Alkali ordinary rom ft and Aa prafannm A fblt and Brunner Mood Uverpori Ebetrio changed im warn atmdy rt previous ippe arera quiet at about 1281.

In minra Rio Tinto advancad to 15. South Afrioane wvra active and in demead, rioeing, how-ver. eligntly nndm beak owing to profit LATEST PRICES, txcumm YMHnMRoxa um omau hocbs on 16tx jaxcxxt aooocxz; railways: ,...154 12511251 60A 60 Aoj 1 Brifmt and Gouty Down xOabdonian a Do def au aid. xbo preferred am erd nq Dubl ia.

Wioktow, and Wexford 1 6 pel865 pref 1ST AB 69 70 1084 1091 1 75J 76 .113 U3 115 93) B3I id 115(1161 1156 165 166 1-158 ad 160 177 ad 179 33J- 364 116 115J 170 17? afarrrd 15B 6015M 159X and Chatham 17 17j A London and NorA-wert 178 7178 1786 Do 3 pc debenture 1151 aMao. 8haf and Luieote 59 61 aDo deferred 29Z 504 Meryvart and Carlisle 169J 150 152 156J 6 6 fl 6155 156 Ahorth British 37 174 ADoerd xrof I pa 1 761 774 North sastara Oonaob 166 166 166J BouA sastora 153 136 A Do dsf sited -B2ft 61 92 aDo prrferrad 176 X76 BRIT1BH POSSESSIONS; Canadian Farifie ...684 68 Grand Trunk of Canada 6 Do 4 pa Do 3rd pref FOREIGN. Atefeiacn, Topeks Ao Io 4 po A bonds Boltimora and Obb South- vmcara 6 pa bonds Busnoa Ayns sad Rossrio Central Arrantina Chioaga MU wankaa Denver A R. Girnado Do 6 pa praf Detroit, G. Haven, and Mil.

6 pe emari. mart Lrica Shcra aad Mirtigan 8 Lonis andNaA. 4 56 564 id 131 L. xt BImmnsniw nsMtotMilOli 1011 w4l io- 10) New York N. Y.

Do 6 preferred N. Y. AObw lo deferred interest wm New York and Ontario NorL Wart prat'd Nor. Parifia prafd. PennaylraaiA niL aad Kmdiog.

Do deferred faooma bonds Unbn Farifie WabariLBh Lmib, and Do 6 pc dab bands Ito 6 na lit praf Nitrate Rail wayn Al Do dafarrad oonv aid JJ INSURANCE COMPANIES. ABritbh and For. Marina oxeaeeaaaeexaMae.sS ALpooi A Lon. A Globa A7iiH 1 aLoo. aodLaaaa ..174 Menohaator Fira ..7 1 AMantiaao APalatinao AKriumoa Marina aRI 61 4 ii MfcO a sssssssssSMasai Standard Marina 0...

Stata xThtmm and Manry AOnion Marina MUCELLANEOUik Angla-Cbilian Nik pref 8 7-l V. VS fafa 10n 8Bgdl00 Julia Taltal Nilnto.M14 14,0 WlOU lxgunaa Nitrate 646 Slid 6 Bsaaaaaaoaaasaaaaanai Pam So Steam Navigation O. aBrunnsr Mood and Co Kaatmaaa Do Bpo ona Bail Union Do 7 po Do 44 pa 1st mart deb AUnitad Alkali UI leaaeeaaeaasssssas wft 03 eaaeesaaA74 fl 3A anMnaaaaaaasa1 1 1 Sd it 10 107, id 107 33 i105 SI- 26 24 21 aDo 7 no praf aDo 6 uo mart deb AThralf alls Brows J. and P. Com Dot pc debenture Lavar Brotbaraf ..24 a 0151114 116 IT1 iy 11J v- Imperial Continental Gan aMiaxp Law Guarantee and Tmrt 1 Pry 100i; River Rate Trait deb lag Uruguay 34 po -Ml 604 51 liXURKD OCOTATIOM.

Ohio Cnupcns i7i FuwUr Brotfan defaatura MINER Eart Remit QaUAakb Kbrksdorp(New) Luipaardakbi Primrose (Naw) Woihuter BalkbLand JBSI xd 75 .17018 ia. a. a. A 1732 A Britbh B. Afrioa (gar.) VM MO 6-97 SST4isszz M1 Fotafafstiuam Exjdontira ft Tjtommiatetea SOI 2ai' VS co -mwmm; CkuBia JU Hi 61 IdMdeRy par 3d 6d 6d 1 Bd pm! A3 2)64 26 264 2A 272A La Plata Diokam Cststsl Wentworth Gold Ibrvrttb GoM Jl ..16 11B llloj taass6 I eoaaoaaaaaaaoaBoaaaaaaasW BSSwisnlt CrnMHK ConrtJfaoldhrld.

drfmrad 7j Qma Read Km Leigh AcU and 1882. ooaatitutiaa to amrowa the right of TftQ tlfifi miiwte ram mJ rto, praemouan, or prior bea 1000 of stock, 1 ufrtama Makcri marketable numbm RBBm Bx. lw) I Caledonian dafmrad, fiullandltorari, 33TfaL rad YaAAiaa 11 Lfadan rad 17 Uj. Ixmdon anaNorth-wastera. 1771 BPOT QUOTATIONS.

OA L.K. Md. O.K. M.T. 2 81-32 IA 3 M.F.ytfr.Q.T.

Srir.OFFTO.Oa Mamofam.q tfli Whits Nominal. abibJ4 at si SU Bengal 7.ZZ g2 0 xfy Sift Tinnarally. 2 2 3 8 EkypAm qnotatbm do not refer to Bamiaor Upper ErypuMoottoo. wtM ahlpihaTO nrind dnre idiSfcti Amarbas. Enginam from New Orleans 62S0 falm from Valpanbs 1000 bales) Nrto hum Abxaadria fur Manchester; MM balm Quran Aanas feom Norfolk.

5600 baba British fttootms from Bart Royal, 6820 halm 1 Monsms hum Wort I860 12.220 bslm i Milinem from Now Orleans 6801 brimj Maripom sham New Orbans 8850 hubs FUTURES. At New Yarik on Saturday toady, at an adrama ef 2 to 2 points in quanoa of better Liverpool eabiaa and toeovmeontraets During tha moraing tfa continued daoteaaa in Aa vaoripta curt a furtfar ik and towards tha atom Blight raaotiau art in, and As market riomd quirt but an advanea of 2 to 4 points far near id Ito 2 potato te distant, New Orleans olomd steady, at dasUaa '-of 1 to 2 points on Aa' day. Tha currant wort's al all tfa United States -ports re estimated at 190,000 to 200,000 brim, against 867,000 bat wart and 141,000 brim in tfa pondiny wart of hat yarn. Tfa erop movrartnt far the part wart ahows heavy falling off, tha interior Ignrm bring on a rapidly diminishing Tfa martial ham thb nmafaif opened wiA bnyam at half a point below Satanteb final rates and with more orden being pot through, ooupbd wiA Aa improved spot tends fatter failing pravaibd, and priem improv point during tfa Towards tfa Iona wm rathm aarirn, and officiri vrinm at 1 45 Wars half 1 point danrer At dam af Saturday, wiA atcady tons Tfa mortal daring tfa aariy part ef tfa afternoon 1 qoiak tat iteady, without quotahU hangs in velum but oa raoaiptof tha Naw York opaning mbb, eoupbd wiA sxpaoted hravy jxirt noripto, valam Aarply gave war, and tfa market subsequently dosed banly steady, at a dadina ou Aa day of 1 prink or to -2 points ham tfa bast. Tfa tenders daebrad to-day warn 2800 baba A marinas aB of whioh team on naw dockrta.

Tfa Naw York apanlagaaoM quiak at a deolina of 2 to I points and Aa aaoond, after Aa dom bars (toady, 1 point down. Raoripta 56,000 baits grind 28,000 brim Bams day lart yaar, 19,000 ia 1893; and 31,000 brim in 1892. Naw Orfamw opanad (toady, at a decline ef 2to4poiats l-66tha of a jiaony) WW" ,1 JB ASM H119 Ui siislasCMCMt M.10 SS tSi ND. a-11 3-12 All qoetatisas marked wtthaa asterisk Odaoste traasarUam for 100 tabs aaly-BtoikuFriem-Egyptba, F.G.FH 5 lta' Egyrtba Adnaan Abxandris Jan. 7.

Tfa MrtetbBm. tenwn, FabM drilvaryT l1 non A oouxbmmisxtJ Ttomaritrt opened qnietly after tfa holidays bri ainm fas acBroriy bara fully rmumad. Tha markrt baa baan bm Idls and tfa nrbtianB fat prim bars bara un-important. Tha tana haa tms tot improvammthivlawof AamaltarmovaMsntoftha Amarioau erop during tha bat tew days aad tha tendency tom aamaquratly bara rather to eovsr up Bfarto and to wail avaato sKm; "fight abort reoripto. Euoqgh aotton hm ban bought ia Amarine ta chart Ab ten-draw, ould appear to'surriva moh ailing, aa tart tiato arrivab dadina tha markrt begins again to mom? At the mmatims it aanaetbaiaid that an impravamant ef any notab loohad for by Aa markrt at penial A points to arrivs poaribly d.

to 4L cm Aa apok wiA the ahanm that sort impravamant may grin fa fact, mama tote Aa prevailing Idas Than is however, too litlb buying, aad parbapa abo too litde general coufldanoa In As situation, for As markrt to toto any aariom rirt on Aa of aurt lira; but than navartfadam appamtly Juat anough to raatn Uf aotual mwb Ab wart than vary littls Tfa raeripte aad movamaet ora mulbr, they have baan ovary January for yarns paak and tfa qi lion of wbatbar auoh falling off indieatite of a nribreropor manly a January daclimoan only ba arttlad later. Should Aa movamant continue howwvar, for ten to 14 days it proeebb Aa rimrt aeup mm will ob thair epiniewsand Art auoh viawa may An rttnot tian than tnay do to-day- lha, and pct pigs umda Iba Tfarawara and these sold rt 15 to li each. The trade fore wm batter, and they advancad 6a pm I Lokdok Oonx. Tlmrs vmsl Mark -lane this aftansooa and a 1 gWbBfPmffxd7araa. Amtmlian.

26a to 26a 6d. long Now Zmland. 25ai abort. Dukaa lha Bd. buyara Maim ataady 1 2Ca bd.

trada rt nnchaagad prioaa Glasgow Couk. Wheat and floar hrid for 3d. advanea Maim firm, Bariejr tfa tarn dmrar for Ort. dull. BaADtono Wool Tfara In wool tfara Abo lha BDUoiaad tahla ihowhif tha ntofarof twniRHias with their capitals, regiatarad iaaach of tna jmhb flm UM toUM indaaira i No.

of Cos nwiatarad. Total CbpitaL IBM 1370. 123,836, 436 1885 15W 11186,967 138,077,329 160,616,656 38.858.866 229,606,626 222,253,602 niMlHI 66,720,623 106 101,228 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1.1738. ..1881 .236...., 2678... 1881.

1892 1899 iwaaaaa tertTXaaasaaaaaaaaaen 2332.... 1866 CORONERS INQUEST. MONDAY, JANUARY 7. MB. BAXTBOK, UVEUOOL OOBOKES Death raox Aroiuxr.

Tounhiiig tha death of man mkaow PoUoeaiifama 266 (Griffith), on giving avidasos Mid that on tha 3rd teal, at 4 20 ha found daoaaaad lfiog down aiuraa UDk, i Nlstostraek nding about, hot moooaoioas Other jng about, hut mid they did not sa dagaaaad faU. WitoMM than tank daoaaaad to tha tint, pool Worfchouaa, wkara ha dbd tho asms nigfal Tha following fa a daaoriplten ef tha body i Haight, 5fl Tin. or Sin. ago about 86 mn; grav hair and Boustaoha; black eort and vast, and black Irouaara with white atripaa, -aad boa-up lew sheas There waa nothing on daomaad hir which ha ooold bo Medical evidence to tha offset that death waa dua ta caused by errmive drinking. A vg waa istuintd acoordingly.

LIVERPOOL POLICE COURT, MONDAY, JANUARY T. OBI MB. RIWABT, aniTOHAET MAaVnATH OBUBLTT TO A Oat. A VOUBg WOtoBn BB Mary Mcnrb, living in Dnekwatergardene, sraalhr to a eaS Tha ovidaaca in 1 chargo area to tha effect that an Baturdsy-aaioing dafaadant waa aaan to throw a a oat which was passing the door of 8w It waa stated that tha aharal hit tho animal on ana of tha fora legs, inflicting a mriou injury, that earned gnat suffering to tha eat An faiapactor from tha Society for tha Prevention of Cruelty to Anhnafa deposed to bovine examined the eat. which waa fine animal, and ted ha waa afraid it would hay to be destroyed, awing ta tha injuries Tha defendant dented that the (herd atewuk the animaL and ealbd a frtend, whe atated that tha eat had base walking fame fw a waste Mr.

Stewart mid that, whethar Ml had bam previously injured or not it a anal thing ie threw ahovte at it. Defendant muaf pay 5s and amis or go to Jail lot days nit BAinaox. Omar to Hoaaas Tbomaa Evans drivar nr Jamea Tatry, waa charged by tha Royal Society lor tha nevaution of Cruelty to Animate with working a farm in aa unfit etafa and Jaaee Parry waa eummenad for coming the animal to be worked whan unfit Evane waa fined 16s 6d, inoliiding eoets and Parry waa ordered to pay 6s and eoato. Thoaai Oibhona, a canal boiti for working hom*o unfik waa abo fined 6s Tha animal waa deetrayecL For a limiter Flyn Edward Kennedy, and Jamas Bifaby am each fined 6s aad coats The offaneca ware proved by Inspectors Oiaatrea, Bias aad Backbones ef Oia with tha of the city polios BOOTLE POLICE COURT. MONDAY, JANUARY T.

menu tnrnra xtap axd y. imis Cbuelty id a Child. A woman nan Annie Murphy, of Lyan-atraut Baotls was at monad for neglecting far child, aged thrsa yaars Inspector Williams of tha Soofatr for tha Prevention of Cruelty to Children, oondaoted tha eaas and, from tha evidence adduced, it appeared that tha woman has bam frequently asm about lha (treats at all hours ef tho night carrying tha child. Tha inipaotor caw tha defendant on Saturday night bat, and aha was than under the influeoeo of drink. Subsequently aha lsft tha child an tha footpath in Howe-atraah but tha infant waa taken in by Mis Mara ay, who sent far Inspector Williams On hte going to tha house of tho dafaadant ha found than waa no faraitme, aad law ram had to rarve aa a bad.

It waa farther tested that drfmdant waa aa habitual aad in tha bitterest weathar cha carried tha child about without it white! tha infant, ham auffaring from rcr ham attondad to-Informstion waa given tho polios aa to a charge ef drnnkannaaa on iieh aafmdant was sent to Jail for aavaa days and aha was oemmittod far a month far tho nag-lad Tha child waa taken to tha ahsHar. Thkh fbox a Shot Doos Maiy Haydm, Maiding at Pbaamtorrors Baotls was chained in custody with ataaling a pair ef boots, worth fis, from tha shop doer ef fin OHilay, Darby-rood, on Saturday last Tha Chtef-eooatafala (Mr. Cummin g) stated that tho woman waa earn an tha day in question to go to Ms ORilayc depi taka pair of boots from a nail, and put them undsr bar akirt. Whan going away, however, fas hates fall ta tha ground, and aha waa uhesqumtly attested. -Prisoner pleaded guilty, and waa aant to Jail far 14 days with hard labour.

BIRKENHEAD POLICE COURT. MONDAY, JANUARY 7. XBP0U ALMBMAX BOmiXTOK AXD XX. XXXXDMY joxxs Sogxx IX a Fvxuo Hoobs Thomas Soanav. Hil ton-road, waa charged with having bam drunk on tha lieanaad pramisss ef laam Thaohald, Tha Beehive, Beckwith street, with having infused to base the houaa when rsquaatad, and with having broken a giara panel in ena of tha doom ef tho hours It was farthar alleged tha PS1 Prtonbto, aamultad tho hmdkwA A flna of 10s and eosta was im-poaad, and prisoner waa abo ordered to pay 2 10s, tha damage dona to tha panel.

In default ofpymt, ho would ham to go to prison far a No Morn Mamonra lima fob Ievauds AXD CaiLDBCX. Do Bimk HiiMa.iiwWH Rbvalbxta Axabma FOod euna annathutliai 4--W-1 I lathr yana wasting dteaaas Nothing in thaerteld of szzzzzjss: Might bo Mpori ratal holid aroottkHalaoh offpiMMfor Ai aiTiS sraaTssri'tTJi'LTjaass tfa demand of tfa 1 ummane to at64a.to64a 6d.for raroeb of numbara net Lab, and warrant iron rt mah arlbn; Id. WtL kero am fadly off for criaa fatUtaarfat! apmm ara raported ta tritaBbtahuiSSl mrt 3s fay-. Iron era danromMLcS Sd eofaqinra Bhippmg liiUadunc. Olasoow Pib I xo Booteh atmdvt twmiMm dom rt 41a fld.

cash andTlk UkTSS SWsSSSSTfiS'SSft "Tim name Cadbcbt on any tm of punt -si GuimafoM Wrtlw fart ebotra-plated faonamrontommhpnrofamr. 3AL 3S3S! Wookip Tfa aiovw wmk 501 thm grata h-rary Batunlayi prim Id. TU 17 a Wsu(V-msr ha atai Mfl 1 STilTOtlL WA Vietona WiUwraJwtiea aw I SPECIAL REPORT FROM MANCHESTER. MOXIUT. We find no fnah faatura of moatmt to report of ito ganaral atato of Aa market.

Parbapa tha baling fairly ataady that fa to aay, thww no farthar dadina in priom, Bilvar and A nr zAangaa ara nachaogad. Livarpool aotton hm bam ataady rt amaUerad quotations In doA wafted nothing doing from India tfa fawoffria made bang vary difflaull to wort, Bara and Ama low hid baoeaptod ta order tofaap mmhinary ruaaiag. For China wa hmr of aorfla am paaing in haavy goods Tfanaarar a again quirt for the moat part; Amarioan yaraa ramain qubk Tha qubk and faw aaba am heard of in aay department.1 Supplies ara kaoking up in Brat hands Bondfaa far agpert ara alow far Indis fat Ama rathm am doing far Japan in fatfc kaddqqUgyMras 1881 Italian imnm 1886 jf lOouv. 34 par amS EIGN AND CANADIAN 6f Grand iSmik Da Aiid. 6 Do.

4 jmt oant. dab. 84 Canadian FariSa 684 Stack 14 1 Ds fiwt ptufamma 674 Ds aaoond 86 AMERICAN RAILWA' Hama pm 1121faat Long cut, 15-17 araraga. Shortcut, 14-16 Lari, llEha Prims Wi Amarioan Refined Ixrd. 281ha paila 35a' 6d.

to 87k 6L, lUjhbfiikim; 36a 6d.to36a 6d. Chram par 112ba FuM Btatob and 51a to 63a Cheshire, 66a to 70a Butter, pm llZlba Danish 1 Choicest 112a to 118a Amarioan 1 60a to 75a Chnadian ersamcriaa BOa to 9fla Irbh cnamariraUMk to lllb. Irish faotoriea, B6a to 100sT Eggq per 129. IriA han, 10a to 10a 6d. Cansdira, 6a Ad, to, Ba Ms A BMAPnrvL off avaty Fimp g.htetbs Bl Its trvlm -I 1.

Liverpool Mercury, etc. from Liverpool, Merseyside, England (2024)


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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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