How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (2024)

Credit reports. I have one. You have one. They are one of the greatest innovations of modern commerce, allowing lenders to easily assess our creditworthiness when we need to buy homes, apply for credit cards with sweet travel perks, or to borrow some money when we’re facing a rainy day.

Sadly, they can also be a major pain in the derrière. Getting a black spot on your report, such as an unpaid collection or even just an unwanted hard inquiry, can be worse than getting the pirates’ black spot of death from Long John Silver.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (1)

I have good news for you: the tools and mechanisms to remove negative marks from your credit history have become easier than ever. What was once a tedious process done entirely by mail can be done online within minutes – though don’t rule out snail mail just yet.

Today, I want to assist you in getting those unwanted credit requests off your report pronto.

Pop Quiz: Credit Bureaus and Inquiries

Attention class! Anyone remember what credit bureaus we have in Canada?

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (2)

If you guessed that we have Equifax and TransUnion in Canada, you’d be right. These are the two main credit bureaus every lender consults before deciding to extend you an auto loan or shiny new prepaid “disruptive” fintech card.

The bureaus collect personal information that identify you individually by metrics such as address and date of birth, as well as use complex algorithms to determine your credit score – more on that here.

Because each bureau has different criteria of calculation, it’s common that your score will vary drastically between the two. In my personal experience, Equifax appears to be the more conservative sibling, and my score there is usually lower than my TransUnion.

I’ve also found this to be true when applying for credit cards: Equifax-only banks such as TD have been stodgier at extending me new credit than TransUnion’s heavy-hitters such as American Express and RBC.

Most credit inquiries you’ll make will be “hard” pulls – that is to say, they’ll show up on your report. Some banks, such as Amex, will only do a “soft” pull to verify your personal information, which means the inquiry won’t dent your credit score or be visible on your report.

You have the option to pay for weekly/monthly copies of the “official” version of your credit reports from Equifax and TransUnion, but I recommend you follow in my curmudgeonly footsteps and just use Borrowell for Equifax and CreditKarma for TransUnion.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (3)

The scores won’t exactly equal those found at their respective bureaus, but I’ve always found them to be a good ballpark.

How Do Entries On My Credit Report Add Up?

We don’t always get the opportunity at Prince of Travel to address folks whose credit situation might need a bit of tender loving care. This is because our optimal strategies usually require having a good-to-great credit profile as a prerequisite.

Right now, though, I’d like to help demystify credit reporting for those of us with an unblemished history and those needing some repair work alike.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (4)

First off: the number of inquiries usually doesn’t make a big impact. We’ve covered this before, but inquiries for new credit cards will often only ding you a few points, and assuming your payment history is decent, won’t disable you from getting new credit lines.

Second, for those of you on the home or auto lending market and pulling your credit multiple times at different lenders – don’t fret. Your large amount of hard inquiries across a short chronology are usually classified as one or sometimes two transactions. Once again, your ability to get new cards won’t be hurt.

Third, for those of you with a less than stellar history of payment, maybe even with late payments: as our chief found out, often your late-paid account won’t be reported to TransUnion and Equifax.

Instead, you’ll be hit with a late fee, but your score will remain unaffected so long as you pay it off before the lender reports you to the bureaus, which is typically only when it’s 30 days past due.

Finally, if you do have derogatory remarks like collections or recorded late payments on your account, these will do the real damage.

Don’t focus on your actual score too much. If you have relatively low utilization (i.e., <30% across all of your open trade lines) and good payment history, you’re good to keep on applying for cards as part of the travel game. If you’ve been late or gone to collections, take a breather.

Stay tuned in the future for a piece on how to play the Miles & Points game while rebuilding good habits (hint: American Express loves a comeback kid).

Why Would I Want to Remove an Inquiry?

There are several reasons you’d want to dispute a credit inquiry and get it off your report.

The first reason would be that you never made the inquiry. Remember all those scam calls you get from synthesized voices claiming to be the CRA? Well, big surprise: they aren’t the CRA. I hope you didn’t give out your SIN. I also hope you don’t have a sketchy neighbour who likes rifling through your mail and opening any envelopes with government markings.

Sometimes, the fault lies with a specific credit issuer. For example, on some occasions, CIBC has been known to leave two hard hits on a credit card applicant’s Equifax file rather than one.

Needless to say, it would suck to have your credit report have hard inquiries you never made on it. It would be distressing if these inquiries (which you didn’t make) were to, say, put you above the “5/6 rule” for MBNA.

In that case, you’d need to take action immediately and remove those items from your report so that you can get your MBNA Alaska Airlines World Elite Mastercard.

There’s also the case that you might have been a fool years ago, and you have a derogatory mark on your report such as a paid collection weighing your score down and causing conservative lenders like the Big 5 to deny you credit.

That would also be a deficiency in need of swift rectification, as waiting the standard seven years for the derogatory remark to drop off the file would take far too long for your liking.

Do I Need to Contact the Lender?

Before we begin: I want to recommend to you that it is not usually in your best interest to contact the lender instead of the credit bureau.

This is because the lenders tend to have a much slower response time, and even if you do jump through their Kafkaesque hoops, they’ll just be sending a message to TransUnion or Equifax to remove the inquiry, anyways.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (5)

If you’ve been a little bit of a spicy Miles & Points collector, then you may not want to have eyes on your account activities from lenders you’ve used creative strategies with – but as always, the judgement call is yours to make.

How to Remove TransUnion Inquiries

In my experience, TransUnion is the far more lenient of the two bureaus. Those I know who have had to make a dispute against an inquiry that wasn’t their own haven’t had to provide a crazy amount of supporting evidence, and have seen their inquiries removed in a short amount of time.

In order to remove your TransUnion inquiries, the most convenient method is online. Fill in your personal information and answer the personal verification questions.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (6)

Note: The dispute page is unique and does not contain your credit score (which costs a gobsmacking $19.95 a month!) Instead, this page contains your Consumer Report, which is merely a log of all your inquiries at TransUnion.

Click on the button to file a dispute and select that you are looking for a “general” investigation. Click through all the disclaimers and you’ll be taken to a page below.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (7)

Select the inquiry you don’t recognize, request an investigation, and mark your reason for doing so as not recognizing the transaction. Attach anything that you think supports your case, even if it’s only a short explanation of what occurred. Now it’s in TransUnion’s hands.

They’ll contact the lender who pulled your credit and, if they don’t hear anything back or are not satisfied with the response they receive, then they will remove the inquiry from your report. Their fact-collection methods are not open to public perusal.

If you fail your online identity verification, don’t fret. You can attempt to call in, or you can choose to file your dispute by mail. Print out the forms on this page and fill them out, then mail everything to the mailbox listed on that web page.

Personally, I’ve seen a greater ratio of successful inquiry removal requests via traditional mail than online, but it is much more time-consuming and costs postage. Choose whichever method you’re more comfortable with.

Online filing is listed as taking up to 25 business days, but it is often much shorter. Mail applications’ biggest bottleneck will be waiting on Canada Post.

When your dispute is successful, the credit inquiry or derogatory remark will disappear from your report, as if it had never been!

Equifax: Expect Exasperation

A disclaimer: I haven’t heard of many successful disputes with Equifax – and that’s including for people whom I’ve personally known who had to deal with real and troubling cases of issues such as identity theft.

It always seems like Equifax wants enormous quantities of evidence pertaining to your case, and won’t respond to it in a timely fashion.

I hope that this has changed since I spoke with those who went through what they described as a nightmare process, but I’d suggest you prepare for a hard slog when dealing with this credit bureau.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (8)

Keeping this in mind, I’d collect as much evidence as you can before you even login to their online portal. This should include any approval emails (or lack thereof – e.g., a clean log of emails on the date of the inquiry), personal written statements, and anything else that may lead an observer to believe these transactions were not conducted by you.

Now you can login and fill out their online dispute form.

Be prepared to follow-up when Equifax emails you for further information. Provide them with all that evidence you gathered and hope for the best.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (9)

If you wish to apply by mail, they have an online-fillable form which you then print and ship. Before mailing your complaint form, make sure to make physical copies of your evidence or representations and include them in the envelope to Equifax.

When dealing with Equifax, I’d actually recommend using the mail-in method. I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about trying to make disputes work online, and I suspect you might be safer via the mail route.

With your form mailed, wait for the bureau to get to you. Their processing standard is 5–20 business days to conduct an investigation both online and via the mail. Once again, don’t forget to accommodate for Canada Post if you used analogue shipping.

If your evidence collection worthy of John Grisham has passed muster, then the disputed inquiries will disappear from all Equifax reports – sweet!

What if My Dispute Is Declined?

There’s nothing worse in the Miles & Points game than the sinking feeling that comes from being declined for a new travel credit card. I’d rate losing a credit bureau dispute as a close second, though.

This is because it can often be difficult – not to mention intensely more frustrating – to try and appeal the decision of a credit bureau. As enormous corporations, TransUnion and Equifax will probably not give you a detailed reason as to why your dispute was rejected so as to cover themselves on the liability front.

Worse, even if you do wish to appeal your case, any defined timeline in which the company will have to respond to you will be treated as more of a guideline.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (10)

Worse yet, the bureau could simply reiterate its decision.

This does not mean you’re out of options. Some declined disputes will offer you the chance to follow up with the credit bureau. Even if this isn’t offered, I’d try and call in to follow-up on the dispute.

As always, remain polite with the customer service representative. It is likely they won’t know the specifics of your case, but gently attempt to get a file number assigned to your escalation and keep it for future reference or calls.

In this situation, I would also recommend reaching out via snail mail. As anachronistic as it may sound, many companies are better at responding to mail than they are to overflowing email boxes. Use the addresses listed on TransUnion’s and Equifax’s websites, explain your situation, and enclose any additional supporting documentation you can.

When they do mail you back, make sure to keep the mail correspondence going until you get a definitive answer to your appeal.


It’s a real pain to deal with, but sometimes it’s just worth getting credit inquiries removed from your report.

If you’re getting declined for new cards because of too many recent inquiries, and know that some of those applications must have been performed by your goateed evil twin, then I hope these lessons helped.

I also hope this article has brought a ray of sunshine to those languishing in credit jail due to the foolishness of their younger years.

Good sailing – remove all those black spots, mateys.

How to Remove Credit Inquiries | Prince of Travel (2024)


Is there a way to remove credit inquiries? ›

If you find an unauthorized or inaccurate hard inquiry, you can file a dispute letter and request that the bureau remove it from your report. The consumer credit bureaus must investigate dispute requests unless they determine your dispute is frivolous. Still, not all disputes are accepted after investigation.

Can a credit search be removed? ›

Can I get hard searches removed? No, you can't remove a hard search if it was the result of a credit application you made.

Will hard inquiries disappear? ›

Hard inquiries stay on your credit report for two years, but your FICO® Scores will only be impacted by hard inquiries posted in the last 12 months, according to Experian. You can request a free credit report from each of the three credit bureaus once a year.

How do I stop credit card inquiries? ›

Call (888) 5-OPT-OUT (that is, (888) 567-8688) or visit If the solicitations are coming from a specific bank, call or write to the bank, requesting that it stop sending the solicitations. You can also contact your present creditors and ask to be placed on their "Do Not Solicit List."

What is a 609 letter to remove inquiries? ›

A Section 609 dispute letter allows consumers to request verification of accounts on their credit reports. If the disputed information cannot be verified within 30 to 45 days, the credit bureaus must remove it from your credit history.

How many inquiries are too many? ›

Since hard inquiries affect your credit score and what is found may even affect approval, you might be wondering: How many inquiries is too many? The answer differs from lender to lender, but most consider six total inquiries on a report at one time to be too many to gain approval for an additional credit card or loan.

Can you erase your credit history? ›

Bear in mind that only errors can be deleted from your credit report. Correct information cannot be removed and stays on file for at least seven years.

Is it true that after 7 years your credit is clear? ›

Most negative items should automatically fall off your credit reports seven years from the date of your first missed payment, at which point your credit score may start rising. But if you are otherwise using credit responsibly, your score may rebound to its starting point within three months to six years.

How many points will my credit score increase when a hard inquiry is removed? ›

In most cases, hard inquiries have very little if any impact on your credit scores—and they have no effect after one year from the date the inquiry was made. So when a hard inquiry is removed from your credit reports, your scores may not improve much—or see any movement at all.

Is it illegal to remove hard inquiries? ›

Contrary to popular belief, checking your own credit score won't lower it. That said, hard inquiries can lower your credit score. If hard inquiries occur without your consent, the Fair Credit Reporting Act allows you to remove those inquiries through a dispute.

How to get 800 credit score? ›

Making on-time payments to creditors, keeping your credit utilization low, having a long credit history, maintaining a good mix of credit types, and occasionally applying for new credit lines are the factors that can get you into the 800 credit score club.

How to remove hard inquiries from TransUnion? ›

Notably, the TransUnion website recommends you take your hard inquiry dispute directly to the lender or other company that made the inquiry and get documentation from that company to send to TransUnion to verify that it is not authorized. Then TransUnion will remove the disputed information and report inquiry accuracy.

How to remove hard inquiries in 15 minutes? ›

If you identify an unauthorized hard inquiry, here's a detailed approach on how to remove hard inquiries in 15 minutes:
  1. Dispute with the Credit Bureau: Initiate a dispute online or via mail. ...
  2. Contact the Creditor: Engage with the lender or creditor responsible for the inquiry. ...
  3. Safeguard Your Credit:
Oct 10, 2023

How can I remove credit inquiries for free? ›

How Do You Dispute (and Remove) Unauthorized Inquiries?
  1. Obtain free copies of your credit report. ...
  2. Flag any inaccurate hard inquiries. ...
  3. Contact the original lender. ...
  4. Start an official dispute. ...
  5. Include all essential information. ...
  6. Submit your dispute. ...
  7. Wait for a verdict.

How do I turn off credit inquiries? ›

Contact each of the three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — individually to freeze your credit:
  1. Equifax: Call 800-349-9960 or go online. ...
  2. Experian: Go online to initiate, or for information call 888‑397‑3742. ...
  3. TransUnion: Call 888-909-8872 or go online.
Mar 26, 2024

How long does it take for credit inquiries to drop off? ›

Hard inquiries fall off of your credit reports after two years. But your credit scores may only be affected for a year, according to credit-scoring company FICO®. “Although FICO Scores only consider inquiries from the last 12 months, inquiries remain on your credit report for two years,” the company says.

Do inquiries hurt your credit? ›

In general, credit inquiries have a small impact on your FICO Scores. For most people, one additional credit inquiry will take less than five points off their FICO Scores. For perspective, the full range for FICO Scores is 300-850. Inquiries can have a greater impact if you have few accounts or a short credit history.

What is a 609 dispute letter template? ›

Despite the misleading name, 609 is not exactly a dispute; rather, it's a letter/document requesting that the credit bureaus give you information regarding the accuracy of your credit report.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.