Bleed Hammerdin Paladin Guide - Last Epoch (2024)

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Build Guides

Bleed Hammerdin Paladin Guide

Last Updated: March 11th 2024

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The Bleed Hammerdin uses spiraling Hammer Throw to apply stacks of Bleed, a deadly Ailment that deals Physical Damage Over Time, making quick work of even the toughest enemies. The highlight of this build is its exceptional tankiness, allowing you to fearlessly fight any foe you encounter.

Cast Sigils Of Hope to gain powerful buffs, use Volatile Reversal to apply debuffs to your enemies and move quickly around the map with unspecced Shield Rush. Get Adorned Rahyeh Idols with Chance To Cast Smite When You Hit With Throwing Attacks to proc Smite through Hammer Throw to further enhance the build's Damage.

This build can scale its tankiness to infinity by stacking Health Regen and Strength for amazing sustain and tons of Ward with Vessel of Strife and Cleaver Solution. These Uniques are required for the Ward setup. The Health version in the Advanced planner can be played without any Uniques.

This setup can also take advantage of many other Uniques. Legendary Bulwark of the Last Abyss enables effortless 100% Block Chance. Red Ring of Atlaria, Aurora's Time Glass and Azurral's Fury further enhance the tankiness. Blood of the Exile and Salt the Wound provide a lot of Damage for the build.

Overall, Bleed Hammerdin is an amazing build capable of defeating all content in the game. It’s also great to compete in the Endless Arena. It’s easy to play, has great Damage and it can get extremely tanky with good gear. If you are looking for a true juggernaut that fills the screen with swirling hammers, this setup is perfect for you!

This build guide assumesyou have a Level 70 Character.
Reach Level 70 with ourPaladin Leveling Guide.
If you are looking for a different playstyle, check all our Build Guides!


  • Easy to Play
  • Good Clear Speed
  • Amazing Survivability
  • Great Scaling With Gear and Uniques


  • Mana Management
  • Heavy Buff Management
  • Hammers Take Time to Ramp Up
  • Potential Locked Behind Uniques


Hammer Throw

Hammer Throw is your main Damage skill. Iron Spiral makes your Hammers spiral, while Catapult provides additional projectiles. Grab Ballista and Weighted Hammers for the Damage multipliers and Mana cost reduction. Rapid Throw grants a good amount of extra Attack Speed.

Sigils Of Hope

Sigils Of Hope provides valuable buffs, but with a high Mana cost. Tetragram and Polygram allow you to summon additional Sigils. Grab Last Wish for a chance to cast a Sigil on kill. This setup also grants survivability with Iron Sigils and Sign of the Guardian.


Smite helps to further increase the single target DPS of the build, and it's triggered through Chance To Cast Smite When You Hit With Throwing Attacks. Sacrifice provides Damage, and Atonement counteracts the Health cost. Keep this off your bar and useShield Rushas your Movement Skill. If you're Mana starved or don't have theIdol, spec intoShield Rushwith Rush Mastery instead.

Volatile Reversal

Volatile Reversal is a unique Movement ability with tons of utility. Harbinger of Dust and Time Rifts increase enemy damage taken. Timelost Wisdom and Timelost Vitality drastically lower the Cooldown. It can also be used for extreme mobility and animation canceling so take the time to master this skill!

Holy Aura

Holy Aura is a strong support ability that provides powerful buffs to you and allies. This setup focuses on granting defenses with Shelter from the Storm, Against The Odds and Purification. Grab Expedite for the Haste buff and some extra Attack Speed.


Passives provide powerful effects that dictate the playstyle of a Class and its Masteries. Remember that you can allocate Passives on the first half of all Masteries regardless of the one you chose.

  1. Armour Clad grants Damage Reduction and is crucial for any Sentinel's survivability.
  2. Juggernaut, Abyssal Endurance, Holy Icon and Defiance provide tons of Resistances. Use them as needed.
  3. Place at least 1 Point into Gladiator, Steel Aegis, Honour and Shield Wall for the Block Chance.
  4. Combine Faith Armour with gear to cap your Critical Strike Avoidance.
  5. Penance and Redemption provide tons of Damage.
  6. The stats granted by Reverence of Duality are extremely powerful.
  7. Invest your final Points in Weapons Master. The Strength granted by this node and Juggernaut are great when combined with Cleaver Solution.
  8. Specialize into Void Corruption when using Salt the Wound.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Passive Points.


This Paladin uses Hammer Throw to create spirals of Hammers that rapidly apply deadly stacks of Bleed to all enemies that get close enough. Make sure you are familiar with enemy mechanics to know when to use your Support Skills to stay alive. Pay attention to their telegraphed attacks!

Skill Usage/Rotation

  • Cast 5 Sigils Of Hope for their buffs.
  • Spam Hammer Throw at enemies. Stand close to them to maximize damage.
  • Use unspecced Shield Rush or Lunge to move across the map.
  • Cast Volatile Reversal and Holy Aura on top of enemies for their buffs and extra Damage.
  • Maintain 5 Sigils Of Hope up at all times.


  • Rush to the objective with unspecced Shield Rush or Lunge.
  • Proc the Haste buff from Holy Aura's Expedite Node for the additional Movement Speed.
  • Be careful not to backtrack when using Volatile Reversal.
  • Group mobs before using Volatile Reversal and Holy Aura to maximize their Buffs.
  • Use Hammer Throw while staying on the move to maximize clear and reduce incoming damage.


  • Take advantage of all your defensive buffs and keep them active.
  • Actively use Holy Aura to double the effect of its buffs.
  • Use Volatile Reversal to ramp up your damage then spam Hammer Throw, staying as close as you can to the Boss. This maximizes Damage by giving you the highest potential of multiple hits from the same Hammer.
  • Keep a Movement Skill off Cooldown for emergency situations or telegraphed Boss attacks.
  • Use unspecced Rebuke to tank telegraphed Boss attacks. Place it on your bar instead of Shield Rush.

Learn more about how to maximize your gameplay in the Build Scaling section of this guide.


Gearing in Last Epoch revolves around finding Items and then using the powerful Crafting System to enhance them. As long as an Item has Forging Potential left, players can upgrade or modify their Affixes up to Tier 5. However, the powerful Exalted Tier Affixes are drop only and can't be modified by players.

Using the correct Item Bases allows you to make use of their amazing Implicits, this is fundamental for gearing efficiently. Combine Implicits, Passives, Idols and Blessings to cap your Resistances and stack as many other defensive layers as possible. Plan ahead for your next upgrades and consider the final Empowered Blessings of your build while gearing. Finish up by farming Uniques with Legendary Potential and Sealing Affixes into Exalted Items to unleash all of your build's power!

Here are the Stat Goals for this build:

  • Capped Resistances
  • 100% Reduced Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes
  • Capped Endurance
  • 2000 - 2500+ Health
  • 60% - 70%+ Armour Mitigation
  • 2500+ Block Effectiveness
  • 50% - 100% Block Chance
  • 1000+ Health Regen (With Buffs)
  • 5000+ Stable Ward
  • 400%+ Ward Retention

Gear Progression

Starting Gear

Advanced Gear

End Game Gear

Aspirational Gear

Milestone 1
Aim for good Item Bases with two valuable T5 Affixes. The defensive rolls on T5 Suffixes are very important at this stage as they can easily cap all your Resistances when combined with Item Implicits, Idols, Blessings or Passives. Get a good Dragonbone Axe as soon as possible.

Milestone 2
Make sure your Critical Strike Avoidance is capped. Remember that Woven Flesh is always an option early on. It can be farmed by killing the Abomination in the Fall of the Outcast Monolith Timeline.

Milestone 3
Get an Ironglass Shield with T5 Block Chance as soon as possible. Carapace Shield is also an option early on. Fit as much Health into your gear as possible. Hybrid Health and Health are extremely valuable, but can be hard to find early on. Use regular flat Health until you find them.

Milestone 4

Get a source of Life Leech. Bleeding Heart is the best option, since it provides a lot of sustain and is easy to find. Valdyr's Chalice also grants the build enough sustain, but this item is much rarer.

Milestone 5
While you look for this basic set of gear, start farming your Empowered Blessings and look for any Idols that can help you cap all your Resistances momentarily or increase your Damage output. Your goal is to get 2 Adorned Rahyeh Idols with Chance To Cast Smite When You Hit With Throwing Attacks Prefix and 4 Large Rahyeh Idols with Increased Bleed Duration Prefix. For Suffixes you want Block Effectiveness or Health.

Milestone 1
Get Chance to apply Frailty on Hit to decrease the Damage enemies deal to you. Get Chance to Chill on Hit and Chance to Slow on Hit on your Axe. These Ailments are important and should always be kept in mind.

Milestone 2
Get an Ironglass Shield with Block Chance, Block Effectiveness and Damage Taken on Block. This build relies heavily on the defensive power of Block, finding a good shield is crucial for its survival.

Milestone 3
When all your core Defenses are covered, start working on your Damage. Get Chance To Bleed If Wielding An Axe, Increased Bleed Effect and Throwing Attack Speed to increase your DPS drastically.

Milestone 4
Look for a pair of Blood of the Exile Boots. This item provides a great Damage boost to moving enemies, along with valuable stats. It's an uncommon world drop and relatively easy to farm.

Milestone 5
If you happen to find Salt the Wound, these very rare Gloves are great for increasing your Damage by stacking Critical Strike Multiplier.

Milestone 6
Keep looking for Adorned Rahyeh Idols with Chance To Cast Smite When You Hit With Throwing Attacks and Large Rahyeh Idols with Increased Bleed Duration. As you finish up your Empowered Blessings keep a decent Health pool, capped Resistances, Endurance and Critical Strike Avoidance. Your goal is to have Items with 4 valuable T5 Affixes, also known as T20.

Milestone 1
Upgrade your T20 setup with Exalted items, high value Sealed Affixes or ideally both. Obtain the Affixes included in the Planner, but prioritize the indicated Item Bases for their Implicits. Make sure to Seal highly efficient low tier Affixes.

Milestone 2
Transition into the Ward setup by farming Vessel of Strife. It can only be acquired from T4 Julra in Temporal Sanctum and always drops with Legendary Potential. This item allows you to get Ward by building Health Regen.

Milestone 3
Cleaver Solution is also required to properly take advantage of Ward. It grants you free Intelligence by stacking Strength, providing tons of Ward Retention. This item is a common world drop and easily farmable with Legendary Potential. Aim for the indicated Affixes in the Planner.

Milestone 4
Farm Bulwark of the Last Abyss with Legendary Potential. This Shield allows you to easily cap Block, providing a lot of tankiness. It has a 50% drop rate from Harton's Husk in Fall of the Empire Empowered Monolith Timeline. Get Block Chance on it.

Milestone 5
Farm Salt the Wound and Blood of the Exile with Legendary Potential. Get Health Regen Per Second on them. These items provide a lot of Damage for the build, and are usable even without Legendary Potential.

Milestone 6
If you happen to find Red Ring of Atlaria and Aurora's Time Glass, these extremely rare items are amazing for the build, as they offer a lot of survivability and valuable stats.

Milestone 7
Get all your Idols as optimal as possible. Keep stacking as much Health, Strength, Health Regen Per Second and Health Regeneration on your gear as you can.

Milestone 1
Keep upgrading your gear with Exalted Items with Sealed Affixes. Get every stat in the right place and in the correct Item Base. Min/Maxing your gear in Last Epoch can be pushed to the extreme as Items with multiple Exalted Affixes are technically possible.

Milestone 2
Continue farming all Uniques with the maximum Legendary Potential you can find. Remember that some UniqueItems are extremely hard to get with multiple Legendary Potential. Good luck with the chase!

Milestone 3
Continue stacking as much Health Regen and Strength as possible. With enough of each, this build will turn into a practically invincible juggernaut.

Milestone 4
Feel free to experiment with any crazy Unique, Legendary or Experimentalitems that you might craft, trade or find! The possibilities are endless!

Learn the basics for crafting gear with our Beginner Crafting Guide.
Check our and learn how to get them!
Want to know more about Legendary Items? Check our Legendary Guide!


Completing a Timeline in the Monolith of Fate lets you choose one of several randomized Blessings from its unique pool. Their benefits are permanent and persist even outside of the Monolith of Fate.

Empowered Blessings are a fundamental part of all builds, so getting the correct ones for each is key.

The sooner you reach Empowered Monolith, the faster you can start farming your desired Blessings!

Normal Blessings

Empowered Combat Blessings

Empowered Drop Rate Blessings

Normal Blessings are not important as they are eventually replaced by Empowered Blessings. However they can still be a great source of Resistances, Critical Strike Avoidance or Life Leech for your build early on.

Pick up these Normal Blessings on your way to Empowered:

  • Wrath of Rahyeh
  • Bastion of Divinity
  • Survival of Might
  • Persistance of Will
  • Bones of Eternity
  • Embers of Immortality
  • Body of Obsidian

Note: Don't target farm Normal Blessings. Get to Empowered Monolith as fast as you can.

Reaching Empowered Monolith unlocks all the level 100 Timelines and the ability to farm Empowered Blessings. Unlike Normal Blessings, these need to be farmed until you get the desired ones for your build. It is extremely important to get this set up as fast as possible to free up affix slots on your gear. Remember, the more value you get from your Blessings, the easier it is to craft efficient gear!

These are the core Combat Empowered Blessings for this build:

  • If you are lacking Critical Strike Avoidance, start with Grand Survival of Might. If you're building Reduced Bonus Damage Taken from Critical Strikes, go for Grand Hemmorage of Marrow or Grand Resolve of Humanity instead.
  • Your second choice provides Block Effectiveness and Block Chance from Grand Bones of Eternity. A high roll on this Empowered Blessing is eventually the goal, but you should move to the others and come back to farm an almost perfect one later on.
  • Grand Curse of Sulphur is important if you are unable to get Chance to apply Frailty on Hit on your gear. Otherwise, Grand Body of Obsidian provides a huge amount of Armor that helps increase the survivability of the build.
  • Farm Grand Rhythm of the Tide for the high increased and added Health Regen it provides. If you're not running the Ward setup, go for Grand Crash of the Waves instead.
  • Grand Emptiness of Ash is amazing with Salt the Wound. Without this item, grab Grand Memory of Light. With the Ward setup, Grand Greed of Darkness is a great option for extra tankiness.

These Empowered Blessings are flexible and depend on your current needs and goals.

These are valuable Empowered Drop Rate Blessings for this build:

  • Grand Sight of the Outcasts is very valuable to help you find Large Rahyeh Idols with Increased Bleed Duration Prefix and Block Effectiveness or Health Suffixes. Once you find all your Idols, you can switch to the Grand Winds of Fortune and focus on Uniques instead.
  • Grab Grand Talon of Granduer to help you find Red Ring of Atlaria. You can also go for Grand Grip of the Lance to find more Salt the Wound or Grand Right of Conquest for Blood of the Exile.
  • Take Grand Scars of Blood to find more Cleaver Solution.

Learn how to farm Blessings fast with our Advanced Monolith Strategies.


Idols grant your character bonuses when equipped in the dedicated Idol Container. Unlock all the slots of your Idol Container by completing the Campaign and some of its Side Quests. Remember that some Idols are Class specific and you won't be able to equip them with other non-compatible Classes.

These are the Idols recommended for this build:

  • Get 2 Adorned Rahyeh Idols with Chance To Cast Smite When You Hit With Throwing Attacks Prefix and Block Effectiveness or Health Suffixes.
  • Get 4 Large Rahyeh Idols with Increased Bleed Duration Prefix and Block Effectiveness or Health Suffixes.
  • If you're lacking Resistances, you can use Stout Lagonian Idols, Small Lagonian Idols or Small Eterran Idols to reach the Resistance cap.

Make sure to complete the Campaign to get all your Idol Slots.
Learn how to be efficient with Idols with our Advanced Idols Setups Guide.

Build Scaling

This Paladin uses Hammer Throw to create spirals of Hammers throughout the battlefield and apply stacks of Bleed. Scale your Bleed Chance and Bleed Duration as much as possible. This build also has good survivability thanks to the multiple defensive layers it can take advantage of.



  • Bleed Chance: This Ailment stacks and deals Physical Damage Over Time, which is your main source of Damage. The more Bleed Chance you have, the more stacks of Bleed you apply.
  • Bleed Duration: Changing the duration of an Ailment that deals Damage affects the total amount of Damage it will deal, but does not affect Damage per second (DPS). This results in its increasing the total Damage the Ailment deals over its duration.
  • Throwing Attack Speed: This build gets a ton of it thanks to the buffs provided by its Skills and Passives. The more you have, the faster you apply ailments with Hammer Throw..
  • Strength: Hammer Throw gains 4% Damage per point of Strength. Additionally it grants 4% Armour per point, which adds a nice defensive layer for the build.
  • Critical Strike Multiplier: Increases the Damage your Crits deal. By default this is not useful for ailments, but thanks to Salt the Wound, you can convert it into Physical Penetration with Bleed.
  • Sigils Of Hope: They grant increased Damage.
  • % Increased Damage: We get most of this from our Passive tree, Buffs and Strength. Any extra on gear is a bonus.
  • Volatile Reversal: The Harbinger of Dust and Time Rifts Nodes apply powerful debuffs on your enemies that makes them take additional Damage.
  • Physical Penetration: Conviction grants 16% Physical Penetration. Redemption and Increased Bleed Effect provide a lot of Physical Penetration with Bleed.
  • Blood of the Exile: Provides more Physical Ailment Damage to moving enemies.
  • Cleaver Solution: This item grants a Damage multiplier to Bleeding enemies.
  • Armour Clad: Grants Damage Reduction and is crucial for any Sentinel's survivability.
  • Block Chance: Block is a defensive mechanic that grants a chance to reduce the Damage taken from Hits. Whenever you take aHit, your Block Chance is rolled to determine if you Block the Hit. On a successful Block, a percentage of the Damage is mitigated. This build can have anywhere between 50% and 100% block.
  • Block Effectiveness: The percentage of Damage reduced on Block depends on how much Block Effectiveness you have. The percentage cannot exceed 85%. The Grand Bones of Eternity blessing is an exceptional source of Block Effectiveness. Additionally, Sentinels have access to the Block Effectiveness Suffix on their Idols.
  • Ward: A shield above your Health that is generated by certain effects, rapidly decays over time and is protected by Armour Mitigation. Your Ward in this build is generated through Health Regen with Vessel of Strife. The build can reach 5000+ stable Ward and 700+ Ward Regen.
  • Ward Retention: Reduces the rate of Ward decay.
  • Endurance: It allows you to take up to 60% less Damage while below a certain Health threshold. The Iron Sigils node from Sigils Of Hope makes this especially valuable for Sentinels. Due to the Wardnature of the build, Endurance is not as valuable as it is for pure Health setups.
  • Strength: Grants 4% Armour per point.
  • Intelligence: Each point of Intelligence provides 4% Ward Retention per point. Cleaver Solution makes your Intelligence equal to your Strength.
  • Armour Mitigation: This setup can have high amounts of Armour. Combine the Armour from your Item Implicits and all the %Armour this build has to reach 60 to 70%+ Mitigation.
  • Health: This build can stack a decent Health pool that can surpass the 2500 mark without sacrificing other defenses. Health is very effective when combined with all the other defensive layers.
  • Health Regen: This build can reach 1000+ Health Regen per second. You should only build it together with Vessel of Strife.
  • Leech: Bleeding Heart provides the Health version of the build with enough sustain. The Ward setup does not need any Leech, and instead relies on Health Regen with Vessel of Strife.
  • Chill and Slow: Are Ailments that greatly reduce the Action and Movement Speed of your enemies. They are must haves on most builds, especially once you reach hard content with insane speed modifiers. With Cleaver Solution, it's only possible to get Chill, as there's not enough affix slots for Slow.
  • Frailty: This Ailment reduces the Damage dealt by enemies by 6% for 4 seconds. Stacks 3 times.
  • Ward and Ailment Cleansing on Potion Use: Cleanse all Ailments on Potion use.

Our Damage Explained Article covers all you need to know to scale Damage.
Learn all you need to know to scale Defense with our Defense Explained Article.

Loot Filter

Loot Filters are critical in Last Epoch. Making sure you highlight all the related valuable Item Bases, Affixes, Uniques and Idols is crucial to ensure your character's progression. As your gear gets better, remember to hide the rules that are no longer useful to avoid screen clutter.

Here is the Endgame Loot Filter for this build:

Learn how to load and make Filters with our Loot Filter Guide.

Video Guide


This Paladin fills the battlefield with spiraling Hammers, rapidly applying stacks of Bleed. Overall this Paladin is an excellent setup capable of completing all the content in the game. It has great damage, survivability and speed.

  • Blast through with shotgunning Hammers to apply stacks of Bleed to enemies, a deadly Ailment that deals Physical Damage Over Time.
  • Maintain 5 Sigils Of Hope at all times for the amazing buffs they provide.
  • Use Volatile Reversal on top of enemies for extra Damage.
  • Scale up your tankiness to infinity by building Health Regen for amazing sustain and tons of Ward with Vessel of Strife.
  • Use Cleaver Solution to get free Intelligence by stacking Strength.
  • While they are not mandatory, Salt the Wound, Blood of the Exile, Bulwark of the Last Abyss, Azurral's Fury, Aurora's Time Glass and Red Ring of Atlaria are great Uniques that you want to get to fully unleash the potential of the build.


Written by Volca.
Reviewed by LizardIRL, Dredscythe

Bleed Hammerdin Paladin Guide - Last Epoch (2024)


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